Pirate Party - the most popular party in Iceland

According to opinion polls for March 13-18 Pirate Party вышла 1 st place in the popularity rating among all political parties in the country!
In fairness it should be noted that in a small Icelandic ratings parties vary considerably. Thus, in the same Pirate Party just a month ago ranking was 12, 8%, compared to the current 23, 9%. Perhaps then it is not only sharply increased the population to love freedom of information, but also to a significant measurement error.
"If you absolutely honest, I do not know what we owe to such a level of confidence - confessed leader Birgitta Jónsdóttir (Birgitta Jónsdóttir), - we all just amazed and grateful to see it as a sign of mistrust of traditional politics».

Birgitta Jónsdóttir i>
To confirm his words, she turned to the polls, which show the level of trust in politicians is below zero.
"The traditional policy does not demonstrate progress and people are tired of waiting for change. It's good that people reject their corruption and arrogance ».
Indeed one of the party bosses of the past era will answer your questions Reddit, as делает Now Rick Falkvinge (Rick Falkvinge), evangelist party.
Pirate Party # 1 in polls on Iceland. Ninja Party not seen in the polls.- Rick Falkvinge (Falkvinge) March 19, 2015 blockquote> Congratulations!
Let's hope that in the future the position even more firmly established Pirates. Maybe someday they will take a majority in the parliament and even nominated its president. The only pity is that Iceland has no armed forces, because then it would be first pirate forces from the Middle Ages abbr>!
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247542/
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