Theoretical calculations predict the effect of self-acceleration of elementary particles

The spatial distribution of the electron accelerating wave packet. The brighter the area, the greater the charge. I>
Theoretical calculations of physicists have identified an opportunity to give the property of elementary particles self-acceleration, when they will increase the speed of movement without the participation of the electromagnetic field. This unexpected исследование was conducted jointly by scientists from MIT and Israeli Technion Institute.
But do not rush to throw physics textbooks - no known laws in this case are not violated. According to the calculations, the application of phase-shifting masks to elementary particle bulk of its wave packet will be accelerated, but the whole package will extend into space, compensating for this acceleration. By this scientists have introduces a new set of solutions of the Dirac equations that describe the behavior of relativistic wave structures of elementary particles. Manipulation of this structure and may, calculations, lead to such counterintuitive results.

Chapter researchers Ido Kaminer, рассказывает: "Electron picks up speed and moves faster and faster. It looks impossible. Nobody expected that physics will allow this to happen. But the electron wave packet not only accelerated, he is also increased in the space, so part of it compensates for acceleration. "Tail" package extends ago, so the total momentum is conserved. »
This auto-acceleration associated with the theory of relativity, where at a speed close to the speed of light, is an increase in the compression of time and space. If this effect will be able to apply, for example, to short-lived elementary particles, the scientists will have more time to study them. Kaminer argues that already it is possible to check all these calculations experimentally, and the team has already started to prepare such a check.
The experiments will be used an electron microscope, equipped with phase-shifting mask with a resolution of three orders of magnitude larger than those that are used to create holograms. According to Kaminer, this is the most accurate of the currently known methods of influencing the electron wave.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244670/
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