Green Bank - the quiet town on the planet
This unusual American town located in the state of West Virginia, and can rightly be considered perhaps the quietest on the planet. There is no mobile phone, Wi-Fi, radio and even television. But it is not in the backwardness or neglect.
In the city of Green Bank Act prohibited any means of communication. The fact that there is the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope parabolic. This device is configured to receive electromagnetic waves from distant galaxies. More often than not, the received signals are so weak that the slightest interference with the radius of the telescope of any other means of communication, completely deprive telescope quality reception. There's even banned cars with petrol engines, as sparks from spark plugs also emit electromagnetic waves. "Zone of Silence" here extends over an area of 33 thousand square kilometers!

In the city of Green Bank Act prohibited any means of communication. The fact that there is the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope parabolic. This device is configured to receive electromagnetic waves from distant galaxies. More often than not, the received signals are so weak that the slightest interference with the radius of the telescope of any other means of communication, completely deprive telescope quality reception. There's even banned cars with petrol engines, as sparks from spark plugs also emit electromagnetic waves. "Zone of Silence" here extends over an area of 33 thousand square kilometers!

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