Scientists suggest the use of television frequencies to create a super Wi-Fi network

German scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) suggest the use of emerging from the use of radio frequencies for television new standard Wi-Fi. Extending to the lower-than-normal Wi-Fi, frequencies, communication can cover a large area - a radius of several kilometers. In the cities, it can eliminate the need for costly support 4G networks, and increase the mobility and accessibility of the Internet. In addition, in the event of disasters it can help people remain without communication.
In an interview with изданию Factor Arnd Weber on behalf of the Institute said: "The development of our proposals can lead to large consequences. People, companies, organizations no longer have so much depend on the mobile networks in the field of information communication. The economic effect would be excellent. "Where digital television is almost completely replaced the old analog frequencies usually just sold at auction for those who are willing to pay for them. Usually they are bought by companies involved in mobile communications.
Analog TV standards were established as early as 40-50 years. Digital TV is gradually replacing analog - at better quality digital broadcasting, access to more channels, additional options such as interruptible subtitles and multiple audio channels, etc. As a result, countries are moving away from analogue television and full transition to digital broadcasting. The first country to completely switched to a figure, in 2006 became the Netherlands. Russia plans to abandon analog broadcasting by 2016.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242006/