Global Network for 45 years. How it all began

While it is true to say that 45 years were executed successfully established between two computers communications. The distance between these computers is 640 kilometers (just as much from the University of California Los Angeles to the Stanford Research Institute).
The communication was successfully installed October 29, 1969, at 21:00. During communication, the creators of the system was able to successfully pass three characters - LOG, after which there was a friend, and now many of us have trouble - the connection was lost. Re-establish the connection failed already at 22:40. Both computers are used in the system for data transmission, the nodes are the first communication of the future network ARPANET.
And now it was just had a system consisting of two communication nodes. Two months later, in December 1969, the system was already 4 node communication. In 1970, at the Novos network appeared the first network node, which was posted in Cambridge.

knots on June 1970 i>

Network configuration on the December 1970

September 1971 i>

March 1972 i>

August 1972 i>
In 1972 - 37 knots. By the way, in 1972, appeared and icon @ define further the structure of e-mail addresses. Thanks to the remote data transmission to solve complex problem at the time the transfer of information from one PC to another. It was a complex operation, for several reasons, one of which is incompatible computers.

September 1973 i>
In 1973, an international network nodes that were located in the United Kingdom and Norway.

June 1974 i>
In 1974, was designed and communication technologies, which included a protocol (Transmission Control Protocol - Transmission Control Protocol). One of the authors was to develop Vint Cerf (now occupies one of the leading positions in Google). The technology allows you to connect a variety of local area networks into a single system with a unified data transmission.

Just 2-3 decades network, once consisting of 2 nodes expanded to all continents. Every day in the network goes billion. However, where there is no network yet, is scheduled to start flying balloons (project Google Loon) and drones (draft of Facebook). With these two projects, access to the global network can get even the residents are very remote regions.
It would be interesting to see what the network will look like through the years 10-20 ...
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/241929/
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