Kraudfandingovaya hotel
What is the business model of the normal hotel? Capital expenditures, which are then gradually kicking due rent. Finish first mini-hotel for IT-camping under this scheme, we decided to turn the business model on its head, and apply for a second unusual decision.
The essence of the decision - to invite future guests do not pay at the time of booking, and before the start of construction. It turns out that under this scheme, the hotel is built on the money of future guests. In this case:
The essence of the decision - to invite future guests do not pay at the time of booking, and before the start of construction. It turns out that under this scheme, the hotel is built on the money of future guests. In this case:
- greatly reduces production cost (and, consequently, rents);
- Project sponsors accommodation up costing much less than the usual guests. https://boomstarter.ru/projects/3544/36506 - you get the opportunity to live in mini hotel corresponding number of days.
With regard to this scheme guest estate seems obvious, and it is unclear why it is still no one to test. We certainly understand that this project is quite expensive, and as a result can not simply get enough sponsors. However, we had quite a lot of preliminary applications to stay in this format, but the resources to quickly build the required number of rooms, just not enough. Therefore, it seems that the project has a certain chance still exists.
The concept of IT-motorhome h4> Probably should tell us more about the concept of IT-motorhome for which to build these mini-hotels. IT-camping is a subproject village programmers . Its essence - to make the guest house with unusual architecture, designed for leisure and work IT people on nature. Landmarks - ecology, sport, healthy lifestyle (as opposed to nature lovers pobuhat) and dumping prices. Naturally, by the time of the launch of the first houses in Prodakshen planned to provide all the necessary communications, preserving the familiar comforts of urban life.
Geographically, the project is located in the Russian province - near g.Slobodskoy Kirov region. Place building located in a pine forest on the bank of a pond formed by two Forest River.
Architecturally, we focused on small semicircular houses 4 x 6 m, designed for a family of two adults and a child. As a prototype, we took the structure of camping pod, reworking it for our climate and increased slightly. Here, for example, these structures appear in the UK:
We plan to arrange them along the promenade, which will take place on the border of the forest, and orient windows to the pond. As a result, the fall of the windows will be obtained here is a kind:
existing buildings h4> We have almost completed the first house on your money (there was only a fine finish). The primary objective was to know the real costs and make the "first pancake" - ie, stepping on rakes all possible not to repeat these mistakes in the construction of the first residential buildings.
Despite the first experience and mistakes that ultimately greatly delay the project, it turned pretty good. The house is comfortable enough in and it looks good from the outside. Excluding communications and interior trim its cost was about 250 TR - This is exactly the amount that we collect on bumstartere .
At the moment in the lodge is a fine finish to him summed autonomous water supply and sewerage. Electricity to us must pull only in late October, so we are launching Productions seems only next season.
The rest of the pictures can be found in our instagrame .
General status settlement programmers h4> Of course, we were warned that we are overly optimistic about the timing. Indeed, in our reality, many things inexplicably stretch like rubber, leading to a white heat. For example, the first section of the survey, which the contractor was originally promised to finish by mid-June, is not finished yet.
Actually, because of this we have not been before them could form the subject of the sale and start building houses, as planned. However, to date, we have agreed on a draft plan that allows you to sell land at least on a preliminary agreement. Now we finish the work on the documents and in the days to start building a house for one of the first customers.
In the next post we will talk about this first project, and to share lessons learned, describing how to build from scratch a gated development in the conditions of Russian realities.
As always, more complete information on the project is available on our website - http://poselok-programmistov.ru/
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/it_poselok/blog/239779/