Marine life in the Chinese market
Not from Belarus.
They have their own, and the sanctions China has not got)
But seriously, off the coast of China, as well as many other Asian countries, produced simply unthinkable number of different seafood - from the well-known, to the most exotic.
I warn you once, not all shown in the post, I know the name, so I will be glad prompts.
Thus, the central market of the city of Sanya, which is the southern island of Hainan
Sector with fish and seafood simply gigantic.
There are hundreds and thousands of boxes, containers and tubs with water in which swim, lie and live their last hours of marine reptiles
Sanitation, you say? Well, well ...
Surprised here these crabs, each neatly tied to all this is not a huge mass has spread in two seconds on the market
Marine ... uh ... Well, something like a sea of penis
Even locals amuse themselves by touching them. About tourists can and do remain silent.
When it is taken in hand ... it hardens.
Say called Geoduck)
There is another erotic vermin.
Normally, they are soft and sagging, but it is worth to splash water or touch any of them with your finger as ...
They say sea stalk
All rise sharply. However!
Mountain oysters. Honestly, it tastes much worse Norman
Some unknown to me seashells
And one more
Sea urchins
Something do not understand
Huge squid
Clearer seafood. However, the names of these fish do not know
Toothed, but ... dead
Eels and shrimps
Colorful fish. Same as all this variety in the market ...
Source: aquatek-filips.livejournal.com