Biological sensor surface as a new stage of evolution of gadgets
Telegraph Station beginning of the 20th century and modern smartphone - what they have in common? I>
The main drawback of modern smartphones is in the way of information transfer. One hundred years ago, to read the message had to go to the telegraph office. Thirty years ago - to answer a call by pressing one button. Take your phone now and ask yourself how much time spent on getting the right information? Entering the password, run the application, scrolling tape, reading the post with an eye on the falling battery. Information we certainly have become richer, but for the information necessary to pay the most expensive - time.
Man tries to find new ways of getting information. "Smart Watch", "smart covers", headsets, Google Glass, SIRI, augmented reality are changing our ways of obtaining and perception data. For these devices, the first trial will follow radical changes, the essence of which is not confined to the replacement of one another gadget. Only cleaning "intermediaries" we real impact on time savings.
The bottom "smart accessories" look transitional link evolution, which replaced the real future is already knocking with the information output to the human skin, the transmission of data on Biotok and body-smartphone that is discharged per day.
Let's see how it will be.
The Perfect Phone for Bandar sgibalschika. I>
Let's start with the fact that the smartphone from the skin - it is rather a concept in which only the body is made entirely of leather. Filling of a flexible display and flexible battery will allow smartphone withstand a certain load in flexion, but no more. Talk to the author of the concept of the smartphone from human skin, and it will take you for a madman sadist. But there is no need to wrap smartphone skin, again stepping on rakes primitive complex scheme information when self smartphone can put on your skin. In research laboratories for many years trying to make an "electronic skin" - flexible, strong, laced with sensors, the material that will become the mainstream of the future of smartphones, not noticing that on Earth a long time ago, there is a natural analogue of the universal.
Biohacking boddimodifikator and Tim Cannon radically built into the arm chip Circadia 1.0, by which tries to control systems of "smart house». I>
Another crazy idea - embed smartphone in the human body. Implants are working on wireless charging, provide truly revolutionary possibilities, but generate a lot of new, potentially dangerous problems. The device inside the body can cause irreparable harm in the event of failure. Hackers can access your implants. The consequences of this crime is well lit in the cyberpunk literature (in short: anything good you will not wait).
Can the human skin to become something of a screen smartphone? We get information about the world through a variety of channels of communication: the taste, tactile, temperature, vibration, position of the body, pain and so on. Not that this list may refer soulless piece of plastic. At the same time the skin - a terrific source of reception and transmission of information. Sensations that we experience skin appear because neurons collecting tactile information. Extensive network of neurons not only feels the objects, but also handles the geometrical data.
On the skin is located approximately the same amount of sensory receptors, as well as on the retina (only they are distributed over the entire area). Touching to anything, not only do we feel the contact itself, but also obtain information about the shape of the object contact, intensity, temperature, etc. The phrase "Careful, it's hot!" Is processed by the brain longer than the attention of a finger pressed against the hot plate.
Our sensory feelings begin to be processed peripheral neurons of the skin even before the signals reach the brain, where they undergo further processing ( Source a >). Well, when we begin to perceive the information faster than it enters the brain, it's really cool, is not it? Quicker than picking up the phone ...
Nota Bene i>. There is a certain irony in the fact that human skin bacteria and smartphone do not differ in their composition: 82% of the microflora of man - is Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium - found on the smartphone screen.
Electronic tattoo h4>
'Electronic Tattoo' is not a tattoo in the conventional sense, but a series of wearable sensors attached to the body. Sensors whose capabilities are based on such a wonderful invention of Mother Nature, as the skin, allow to collect a huge amount of data. Just imagine that the galvanic skin detector for measuring skin resistance will allow us to follow the psychophysical state of the organism during complex business negotiations. The gauge will indicate where to temper justice with mercy, before the source of the catch and understand our response.
Controllers provide electronic tattoo communicative connection with external devices, whether other smartphones or tablets and laptops. There are already developing, allows such wearable devices draw power from human sweat by enzyme which harvest electrons from lactate, generating a weak electrical current. ().
Most of sweat released during sports training, but researchers are already working to make the device suitable for everyday use.
Another promising idea - to take advantage of the difference in temperature between the skin of humans and the environment. The difference of 0, 5 ° C gives 40 milliwatts of power. Flexible and lightweight generator can be glued directly to the skin.
Production of electronic components tattoos already . I>
A year ago at the exhibition AT & T Innovation Showcase demonstrated a device that can read brain action currents and on the basis of their type to determine whether the currently disturb human (). Agree it is much more comfortable than in a hurry to turn off the sound on the phone and write not consist interlocutor "Sorry, I'm in a meeting, call back later».
The idea of using the body as a peripheral device for a long time dominates the minds of scientists. Magic Finger (), clipped to your finger turns any surface into a touch interface . The next step - remove incomprehensible piece of metal and allow yourself to work with finger touch input. Technology electronic tattoo is the best help in this matter.
Motorola Moto X proposes to use a digital tattoo to quickly and safely unlock your smartphone. Transfer of new features on the human skin - a logical step to improve the functional interaction with gadgets.
Body Display h4>
On Indiegogo collect money for Ritot, watch projectors that project on the back of your hand a variety of information.
At MIT developed technology to convert the entire skin in large "tactile display» (), whereby the information we receive skin, not just the eyes.
Jim Milk in the concept offers a touchscreen display directly on the skin, and provide power at the expense of the blood flow. A similar idea Skinput presupposes pikoproektorov.
Next h4> original, but the traditional smartphone user interface can work on the human body. Conventional interactive implants can not function under the skin (which is associated with a plurality of hard-to-risk), but directly on the skin, using its natural characteristics as a new peripheral device. Different types of skin can prevent vibration of an incoming call, email or SMS. Electronic tattoo with integrated speakers to answer your calls. Projecting an image (or image through the creation of a flexible display electronic tattoos) directly on the arm will provide convenient access to the Internet.
The main thing that is the use of new technologies, we could always see the potential risks, and in pursuit of unprecedented opportunities, not least driven itself into a corner of loss of control over his own body and mind.
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