Whales, on which stands the Earth
Did you know that the earth is flat? No, in fact, is the latest theory is that we do not see the refraction of light as it should, and the globe - the last century. But it's not about that. Beijing artist decided to prove that the earth does not rest on four elephants and a turtle, and whales, and created a very beautiful installation, which often illustrated children's fairy tales, where the miracle Yudo fish whale to land on his back personified archetype of the original divine creation.
Chinese Wang Ruilin created an installation of sperm whales, which are beautiful and detailed landscapes on their backs.
This philosophical concept of life beginning, the origin of all things, which we have brought the unknown substance.
It is interesting in this case that the Chinese repeats Russian legend. Whether it was filled with them, whether the information is one of the planetary level and does not depend on race, religion, and geographical location.
Day and night sculptor working in his studio, creating kontseputalno and religious masterpieces. I personally still like a statue of Buddha.
Master in

Chinese Wang Ruilin created an installation of sperm whales, which are beautiful and detailed landscapes on their backs.
This philosophical concept of life beginning, the origin of all things, which we have brought the unknown substance.

It is interesting in this case that the Chinese repeats Russian legend. Whether it was filled with them, whether the information is one of the planetary level and does not depend on race, religion, and geographical location.

Day and night sculptor working in his studio, creating kontseputalno and religious masterpieces. I personally still like a statue of Buddha.


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