35 memorable quotes Jack Sparrow
- You know the feeling: you stand on the edge of the cliff, jump and pull down? .. I do not have.
- Are you crazy!
- Oh, thank God, normal would not go to such.
- At least someone saved me because I missed ?!
- All do not move! I dropped brains.
- Yes, before the world was much more ...
- No, the world has not changed. There are fewer content.
- My hands are clean! Hmm. Figuratively.
- Beware of people should be honest: did not even notice when they do something stupid.
- They say that they are being robbed of the city and do not leave anyone alive.
- Just one? Then where rumors come from?
- Now you're the captain? Today appoint someone popadja!
- You've been there?
- Do I look like someone who visited the fountain of youth?
- Depends on the lighting.
- All right, take you. You will not take - you're terrible.
- We're going to steal a ship? That ship?
- Requisitioned. We're going to commandeer that ship. This nautical term.
- You're not going to the suit. You need a dress or anything ... I prefer anything.
- But he somehow came across a stumbling block of all men.
- What kind of stone?
- Sea?
- Algebra?
- The dichotomy of good and evil?
- Baba.
- You molested me! I was very innocent girl!
- You showed a certain skill during his molestation!
- So this is your secret? Your grand adventure? You're three days lying on the beach and slurped rum?
- Welcome to the Caribbean, my love.
- Jack ... We still would not have happened.
- Repeat afford it often, dear.
- All this is seen ?! Because I refuse to repeat it!
- My ship is matchless and proud. He almost any huge! And he sailed ....
- Captain, let me report on the impending revolt: I'm ready to call your fingers and poke names.
- You're either a madman or a genius.
- These are the two extremes of the same essence.
- This is madness!
- No, this is politics!
- Stop perforate my ship!
- It is better not to know when death will overtake you, and live vibrantly, admiring the whole soul of the great mystery of life.
- It is necessary to die once and priorities immediately changed.
- How do you even brought in a Spanish monastery?
- I took him for bo * Del. It is easy to confuse.
- Where is the rum always disappear?
- You can live with this? You doom another man to eternal shackles, and he'll have fun, go out and drink?
- Mmm, yes. It is for me.
- Okay, I'll cover your ass.
- I'm more worried about before.
- Yes! I lied to you. No! I do not love you. Of course it is you fat! I've never been in Brussels. The word "bloody" should be pronounced by "F". By the way, no, I do not know of Columbus, but I love the beds. But all this fades and pales in comparison to the fact that I have taken away my ship again! Smekaesh?
- Who forges the sword?
- I kuyu! And to practice fencing, three hours a day.
- It is better to find a girlfriend!
- Mr. Gibbs, throw my hat in the air.
- It is an honor for me. Hooray!
- Carry ago.
- So you lied to me saying the truth?
- Yes.
- The original course. It is necessary to remember.
- You'll have to work there, Jack. Soul to transport the dead to the next world. Or become like Jones.
- I will not go tentacles! But immortality, it's worth it, right?
- Smekaesh, chick?
Source: citaty.info
- Are you crazy!
- Oh, thank God, normal would not go to such.
- At least someone saved me because I missed ?!
- All do not move! I dropped brains.
- Yes, before the world was much more ...
- No, the world has not changed. There are fewer content.
- My hands are clean! Hmm. Figuratively.
- Beware of people should be honest: did not even notice when they do something stupid.

- They say that they are being robbed of the city and do not leave anyone alive.
- Just one? Then where rumors come from?
- Now you're the captain? Today appoint someone popadja!
- You've been there?
- Do I look like someone who visited the fountain of youth?
- Depends on the lighting.
- All right, take you. You will not take - you're terrible.
- We're going to steal a ship? That ship?
- Requisitioned. We're going to commandeer that ship. This nautical term.

- You're not going to the suit. You need a dress or anything ... I prefer anything.
- But he somehow came across a stumbling block of all men.
- What kind of stone?
- Sea?
- Algebra?
- The dichotomy of good and evil?
- Baba.
- You molested me! I was very innocent girl!
- You showed a certain skill during his molestation!
- So this is your secret? Your grand adventure? You're three days lying on the beach and slurped rum?
- Welcome to the Caribbean, my love.
- Jack ... We still would not have happened.
- Repeat afford it often, dear.

- All this is seen ?! Because I refuse to repeat it!
- My ship is matchless and proud. He almost any huge! And he sailed ....
- Captain, let me report on the impending revolt: I'm ready to call your fingers and poke names.
- You're either a madman or a genius.
- These are the two extremes of the same essence.
- This is madness!
- No, this is politics!
- Stop perforate my ship!
- It is better not to know when death will overtake you, and live vibrantly, admiring the whole soul of the great mystery of life.

- It is necessary to die once and priorities immediately changed.
- How do you even brought in a Spanish monastery?
- I took him for bo * Del. It is easy to confuse.
- Where is the rum always disappear?
- You can live with this? You doom another man to eternal shackles, and he'll have fun, go out and drink?
- Mmm, yes. It is for me.
- Okay, I'll cover your ass.
- I'm more worried about before.
- Yes! I lied to you. No! I do not love you. Of course it is you fat! I've never been in Brussels. The word "bloody" should be pronounced by "F". By the way, no, I do not know of Columbus, but I love the beds. But all this fades and pales in comparison to the fact that I have taken away my ship again! Smekaesh?

- Who forges the sword?
- I kuyu! And to practice fencing, three hours a day.
- It is better to find a girlfriend!
- Mr. Gibbs, throw my hat in the air.
- It is an honor for me. Hooray!
- Carry ago.
- So you lied to me saying the truth?
- Yes.
- The original course. It is necessary to remember.
- You'll have to work there, Jack. Soul to transport the dead to the next world. Or become like Jones.
- I will not go tentacles! But immortality, it's worth it, right?
- Smekaesh, chick?

Source: citaty.info