
Then he went to the children's world, entered the department destkogo weapons bought by the largest machine, the uncle of the Terminator might weep with envy when he saw our guns, with lights, one under-barrel missile could at a distance of ten meters destroy any cat. Then he thought for a long time, buy a tank or the game "Driving" bought all the same tank, the pope also the military. After we went to buloshnuyu bought cakes "potato" about twenty "for Uncle north." And with a large package of pastries and armed to the teeth, entered the yard. In the courtyard we waited for success, only a fool Lenka start shrill shout to the whole world, "Aunt Sveeeta we found Vitalka, he's here, he's here." Seeing the Light aunt with a belt, I stole a sneaking suspicion that the money is not Vitalka with everything found and decided to surrender their weapons.
Vitalka is really found money, kamod were at home.
Vitalka released after three days, for good behavior, tells of "early" was released, as was punished for a week. But on a bench, two days did not sit down.