Garbage installation
In the old pavilion San Francisco Zoo, you can see very beautiful installation. However, only if you consider them at a distance. However, it should only approach as beauty turns into garbage.
You will see a large number of previously discarded on the beaches of plastic utensils, bottles, slippers, frisbee and other debris. These works created by the artist and teacher Angela Heyseltayn Pozzi (Angela Haseltine Pozzi), who lives in the small town of Bandon, Oregon. 53-year-old woman was shocked by the amount of litter on the beaches of the city and thus decided not only to clean the coast, but also to try to reach out to society. After all, the problem of ocean pollution is becoming every day more ostree.Iz their found materials, Angela creates shapes inhabitants of the world's oceans and simply known species of our planet.
You will see a large number of previously discarded on the beaches of plastic utensils, bottles, slippers, frisbee and other debris. These works created by the artist and teacher Angela Heyseltayn Pozzi (Angela Haseltine Pozzi), who lives in the small town of Bandon, Oregon. 53-year-old woman was shocked by the amount of litter on the beaches of the city and thus decided not only to clean the coast, but also to try to reach out to society. After all, the problem of ocean pollution is becoming every day more ostree.Iz their found materials, Angela creates shapes inhabitants of the world's oceans and simply known species of our planet.