About superstitions
Have you ever wondered why we so afraid of a black cat ran across our path, and with a sinking heart looking at the shattered mirror? In fact, the signs did not occur in a vacuum, and each one is its own history and legend.
Open an umbrella indoors - to distress
It was believed that this superstition dates back to the times of the reign of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, but most historians believe that he will most likely originated in Victorian England. Then, the opening mechanism of the umbrella was so clumsy that the metal spokes and rebound and the spring could cause bodily injury or property damage small. As a consequence, it recommended only open umbrella on the street.
Go under the stairs - unfortunately
But this sign originated in ancient Egypt. The ladder leaning against the wall forms a triangle, and the Egyptians believed in this form of the sacred. Triangles personified Trinity gods, and go through them meant to desecrate the shrine.
Breaking a mirror - to seven years of bad luck
In ancient Greece, using the mirror reflection by analyzing the predicted future. See distorted reflection was a bad sign. Still, the birthplace of the ancient Romans considered the signs. The Romans believed that life is renewed every seven years. Broken mirror meant that a person's health deteriorates, and only seven years later, he will recover.
Sprinkle salt - to quarrel and enmity
Some people believe that if a man scattered salt, then it is necessary to throw three pinches over your left shoulder to avoid trouble. Around 3500 BC, the Sumerians were the first people to practice this omen. Although the exact reason for the appearance of the signs is not known, it picked up by the Egyptians, Assyrians, and later the Greeks.
Hang a horseshoe over the door ends up - good luck
In the Middle Ages people believed that witches are afraid of horses, so any thing connected with them will scare off witches. For this reason, people began to hang a horseshoe to the evil forces broke into their house.
A black cat ran across the road - to failure
Frankly, cats always brings good luck, starting from the time of ancient Egypt. In all changed in the early 17th century in England, when King Charles I died his beloved black cat. Then the king complained that luck deserted him. The truth of his words was confirmed when the next day the King was arrested on charges of treason.
Number 13 - unlucky
About the fear of the number 13 (or "triskaidekaphobia") is mentioned in Norse mythology, when the twelve gods feasted on Mass at Valhalla. Then the god of evil Loki disputes and imposed himself on the thirteenth, because of what was killed favorite of the gods - Walder.
Sign making wishes on a shooting star
Even in the 1st century Ptolemy suggested that the stars fall to earth because the gods turned their attention to people from heaven.
Passing the cemetery, you need to hold your breath
In some cultures of North American Indians believed that the dead breathe near dangerous because You can breathe in someone else's soul.
The tradition of the candles on the birthday cake
The ancient Greeks as well as today preparing cakes for his birthday. They bring a gift of Artemis - goddess of the moon. The round shape symbolizes the moon cakes, and lighted candles imitate her light. Today the candles on a birthday cake is still associated with good luck.
Seeing the bride / groom on their wedding day - a bad marriage
This sign is associated with the fact that the bride to see the groom before the ceremony of marriage could change his mind at the last moment.
Rabbit foot brings good luck
In the 7th century BC, rabbit's foot was regarded as a talisman, bringing luck, because she had close contact with the source of life - earth. However, not every foot rabbit can bring good luck, and a left rear was useful as an amulet.
Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand
Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger was more tradition than superstition. Even the ancient Romans believed that it is using the ring finger of the nervous system associated with the human heart. Also, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans believed that this finger could heal from the ailment, as it was used for rubbing salves.
Lights a cigarette from one of three matches - a bad omen
Rumor has it there was a belief among the soldiers, who believed that the sniper so they will give time to discover their whereabouts. According to another legend, the "match king" Ivar Krueger came up with this superstition, to expand their business.
Putting shoes on the table - to scandals and death
Many years ago, when one miner died, his shoes were left on the table. So there is a superstition that promised misfortune in the house.
Open an umbrella indoors - to distress

It was believed that this superstition dates back to the times of the reign of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, but most historians believe that he will most likely originated in Victorian England. Then, the opening mechanism of the umbrella was so clumsy that the metal spokes and rebound and the spring could cause bodily injury or property damage small. As a consequence, it recommended only open umbrella on the street.
Go under the stairs - unfortunately

But this sign originated in ancient Egypt. The ladder leaning against the wall forms a triangle, and the Egyptians believed in this form of the sacred. Triangles personified Trinity gods, and go through them meant to desecrate the shrine.
Breaking a mirror - to seven years of bad luck

In ancient Greece, using the mirror reflection by analyzing the predicted future. See distorted reflection was a bad sign. Still, the birthplace of the ancient Romans considered the signs. The Romans believed that life is renewed every seven years. Broken mirror meant that a person's health deteriorates, and only seven years later, he will recover.
Sprinkle salt - to quarrel and enmity

Some people believe that if a man scattered salt, then it is necessary to throw three pinches over your left shoulder to avoid trouble. Around 3500 BC, the Sumerians were the first people to practice this omen. Although the exact reason for the appearance of the signs is not known, it picked up by the Egyptians, Assyrians, and later the Greeks.
Hang a horseshoe over the door ends up - good luck

In the Middle Ages people believed that witches are afraid of horses, so any thing connected with them will scare off witches. For this reason, people began to hang a horseshoe to the evil forces broke into their house.
A black cat ran across the road - to failure

Frankly, cats always brings good luck, starting from the time of ancient Egypt. In all changed in the early 17th century in England, when King Charles I died his beloved black cat. Then the king complained that luck deserted him. The truth of his words was confirmed when the next day the King was arrested on charges of treason.
Number 13 - unlucky

About the fear of the number 13 (or "triskaidekaphobia") is mentioned in Norse mythology, when the twelve gods feasted on Mass at Valhalla. Then the god of evil Loki disputes and imposed himself on the thirteenth, because of what was killed favorite of the gods - Walder.
Sign making wishes on a shooting star

Even in the 1st century Ptolemy suggested that the stars fall to earth because the gods turned their attention to people from heaven.
Passing the cemetery, you need to hold your breath

In some cultures of North American Indians believed that the dead breathe near dangerous because You can breathe in someone else's soul.
The tradition of the candles on the birthday cake

The ancient Greeks as well as today preparing cakes for his birthday. They bring a gift of Artemis - goddess of the moon. The round shape symbolizes the moon cakes, and lighted candles imitate her light. Today the candles on a birthday cake is still associated with good luck.
Seeing the bride / groom on their wedding day - a bad marriage

This sign is associated with the fact that the bride to see the groom before the ceremony of marriage could change his mind at the last moment.
Rabbit foot brings good luck

In the 7th century BC, rabbit's foot was regarded as a talisman, bringing luck, because she had close contact with the source of life - earth. However, not every foot rabbit can bring good luck, and a left rear was useful as an amulet.
Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand

Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger was more tradition than superstition. Even the ancient Romans believed that it is using the ring finger of the nervous system associated with the human heart. Also, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans believed that this finger could heal from the ailment, as it was used for rubbing salves.
Lights a cigarette from one of three matches - a bad omen

Rumor has it there was a belief among the soldiers, who believed that the sniper so they will give time to discover their whereabouts. According to another legend, the "match king" Ivar Krueger came up with this superstition, to expand their business.
Putting shoes on the table - to scandals and death

Many years ago, when one miner died, his shoes were left on the table. So there is a superstition that promised misfortune in the house.