NASA announced the collection of projects / ideas for expeditions to Europe, Jupiter's moon

Many scientists and ordinary people believe that extraterrestrial life exists, and not somewhere out there, distant stars, and the solar system, other planets and their satellites. Among potentially habitable moons attracted the attention of scientists Europe - the sixth moon of Jupiter. In practice, it is proved that under the multi-kilometer thick ice (water, by the way), Europe is the ocean, which can live creatures (bacteria or multicellular).
In general, the idea of organizing an expedition to Europe, (is robotic, without the people, respect the people of the expedition - there is an interesting film NF) originated long ago. And now this idea can be realized in practice.
NASA called for engineers, scientists, and all people who are interested in this subject, send your projects to organize an expedition to Europe, as well as methods for the study of the moons of Jupiter.
Of course, there are limitations from the expedition and goals, and sent by the idea must comply with all of this.
For example, the cost of the expedition must not exceed $ 1 billion
In addition, the expedition has five main objectives:
determining the size of Europe's oceans; determining the impact of the oceans on the processes of relief formation and in general, the "life" of the satellite; opredeleenie composition of the oceans; create a map of the surface of Europe, with a maximum resolution; to study the atmosphere and magnetosphere Europe. i>
"Ideas generator" must also consider the increased radiation background, as well as complex gravitational fluctuations of Jupiter, which can affect how the route interplanetary station / stations and the operation of devices and tools.
And further. Since Europe can have its own life, all devices and instruments that come from the earth, must be sterile. It is not allowed the transfer of the life forms on Earth with Europe, it can be a disaster for the ecosystem that may exist on Jupiter.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222243/