Revolutionary computers on the way. It remains to learn how to program

So called пост on gigaome that talks about that soon things can change dramatically.
The team of scientists at Stanford has created a new board, nicknamed NeuroGrid, which contains 16 cores that can emulate more than one million neurons and synapses billion. They suggest that the mass production of such devices is possible at a cost of about $ 400 per unit, which makes it very appealing their use in all kinds of devices, ranging from robots, ending artificial limbs to significantly increase their computing capacity, while reducing power consumption.
However, even assuming that it is already today, there is one important point - to programirovat NeuroGrid, scientist needs a neurologist (with appropriate training).
Now the same team of scientists is working on a special compiler that would allow people without proper scientific baggage is acceptable to write programs under this system.
An interesting point: without the creation of high-quality compilers for such systems to be able to lower the amount of knowledge needed to start working with them, this development can simply "do not fly." Because it just will not programmers, can give us something to puzzle these systems.
Around the same problems the industry is now experiencing supercomputers. Technically, it is possible to create almost any machine computing power, but there are very few professionals who are able to write software for them to be puzzled at full capacity, and new learning is too slow.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/221199/