Luggage Al Capone (2 photos)

Italian Mafia Boss went to prison in 1931, he went there in 1939, almost completely paralyzed because of syphilis.
Al Capone was arrested in Philadelphia in 1931 for possession of weapons and tax evasion (the second was charged later). After 9 months, he called this camera in the Eastern state labor camp home. The head of the colony and the guards made an exception for Capone during his stay, allowing him to keep in his cell paintings, tables and lamps, velvet duvet, easy chair and an expensive radio. Capone loved to listen to waltzes after dinner.

But in 1934 he was transferred to Alcatraz in this camera.
He was finally stopped mafia boss and become a despised prisoner for that much quickly broke down, and even worked as a janitor.
His so-called "boss with a mop»
In 1939, he was released because of illness, about which I wrote above. And in 1947, he died well.

The scandal at the press conference Klitschko and Hay (8 photos)
Intruders worse than a Tatar (4 photos)