In China, it does not stop the abnormal geological phenomena

China. Residents of the city of Chengdu, Sichuan Province witnessed an unusual phenomenon - the roadbed suddenly swell, after which it formed long, narrow cracks, from which start foaming clay mud flow. On the same day in the evening the water in the underground water has become yellow, it is not suitable for use.
This happened 17 June about 15 hours, close to the local market. A puddle of yellow mud is slowly spread over the pavement. People thought it was a harbinger of impending disaster and the next began to disperse quickly.
The local media have been no reports about it, so many of the locals, which is associated with the correspondent of The Epoch Times, did not know about it.
"The authorities do not want the media to publish such news, so those who have not seen the event with their own eyes or heard from acquaintances, often know nothing about them. When such happens, the authorities immediately being encircled the area around and hang a sign saying "Repair of the road" and did not let go, "- he explained resident of Chengdu, Ms. Zeng.
No explanation of this phenomenon from the experts and was not. At one of the sites appeared the only explanation from the work of building the facility, located next to the puddle formed. He said that it is a common phenomenon that has occurred as a result of construction and that no consequences budet.Hotya many Internet users and said they trust the ordinary worker more than the "experts", which usually attracts the government, but expressed their reasons for not steel They completely convincing. Some even expressed the view that this is a new trick of the government, which knows that their "experts" no one believes, so they used a "representative of the people».

Springing from the cracks in the earth yellow mass. Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. June 2010. Photos from epochtimes.com
"Earthquakes, land subsidence, drought, floods, storms, our grapes this year, do not freak out because at the time it was not the flowering of bees, it is unclear where they went. Now more yellow water out of the ground follows. It is more and more reminiscent of footage from the film ["2012"] "- wrote one of the Chinese bloggers.
Within a few hours devoted to the topic of Internet forum expressed their opinions about two thousand people. In general, they expressed their distrust of government and fear of impending disaster.
Currently, most of the messages are gone. Most likely their site moderator deleted by order of the local authorities, which is common in China, so the authorities maintain "stability" in the society.

Springing from the cracks in the earth yellow mass. Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. June 2010. Photos from epochtimes.com
A few days ago on the same track at Sichuan Chengdu City formed in one day, at least 80 holes with a diameter of about one meter and a depth of 30 cm.