What not to do in Paris

Most tourist guides read, and then the whole crowd sent on the specified routes in them. There is nothing wrong with a thorough preparation for the trip, but is it worth then use the standard clichés - it's up to you. Still, better to avoid common stereotypes ...
Do not push around the Mona Lisa

Every day visit the Louvre 25 thousand people, and it seems most of them in the first run to admire the famous Mona Lisa. In fact, the portrait is much less than we think, after scrutiny of reproductions of pictures in the magazine and on the Internet. Just one person who gets too close to the picture, his head almost completely covers it. Naturally, in such conditions, to see anything, but even more so, get pleasure from it - really small.
It is better to go against the main stream of visitors and enjoy the remaining thirty-five thousand treasures of the palace. The apartments of Napoleon III, the incredible Egyptian gallery and the remaining from the original structure of the construction of the Louvre, dated the XII century, is more deserving of your attention. Thanks to the talent of Da Vinci, you can admire all this splendor is almost alone.
Do not go to the river cruise combined with lunch

River cruise, in principle, a good thing and well worth the 12 euros that he asked for. Not least because that allows you to see the city from a different angle. And in the heat of being on the water also provides some pleasant coolness. But when it comes to eating on board, the price of the trip immediately flies 5-7 times. Thus the only thing you'll get, so it's dinner with a fairly limited choice of dishes among the bustling crowds.
There is no reason to eat badly in the culinary capital of the world, where a huge number of Michelin-starred restaurants. Alas, not all of them meet the definition of "average budget", but, in any case, better to spend 60-70 euros per visit them than there is something to rock the boat. For example, a tasting dinner at the oldest restaurant in Paris, Laperouse, costs from 45 euros.
Do not climb the Eiffel Tower

Another cult place, a must to visit, a place for the elevator of the Eiffel Tower. More precisely, seven queues: one for each elevator to the controller and the cashier. At the same time in the creation of Gustave Eiffel it looks not so fascinating as the outside.
If, however, the main reason is the desire to go upstairs to see the city from a bird's flight, the better to admire the openwork structure from the outside, go to a different place. Excellent panoramic view opens from the Tour Montparnasse and even the Arc de Triomphe. And by the way, then the frame will fall and the main symbol of Paris ...
Do not go to the Bastille

Not to go there absolutely is not necessary. But it has no special meaning. The fortress was completely destroyed during the Revolution, and tourists get out at the metro station of the same name, only to find, to their dismay, found on the surface of the busy intersection and, if lucky, a commemorative plaque.
If you wish to learn about the history of the city much better to go to the museum Carnavalet.
Do not take a tour of the places from the movie "The Da Vinci Code"

Any such tours, most of them are merely expensive wiring for tourists. This will show you the sights a little: just to tinker on the bus, forcing each time to get out of it at the sight of another place lit up in the film.
It is better to spend money on the normal informative tour of the city, in accordance with their interests. Here, at least, hear the real, not invented, the stories of Paris and learn something new.
Do not drink coffee, "the famous" cafe

Once in the history of the cafe there is something remarkable, it immediately occupy the crowds, prices go several times, and the quality of supplied food and drinks rapidly deteriorates. These are the Café de Flore and Deux Magots - favorite place of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. Or cafe Café des Deux Moulins, played a symbolic role in the film "Amelie".
It is better to look at the next door. Rather, there exists a great restaurant, the owners of which, seeking to survive the competition from the nearby "star", keep the normal price and pay attention to quality. Individual will be happy, leisurely sipping coffee at a table by the window, looking at the place, standing in the place where you go is not prudent.
Not ezdite Nice

For unclear reasons, the majority of travelers who want to see something of France, except Paris automatically think of Nice. Thus the only thing that they are there - a lively city crowded with ugly pebble beaches and a poor history. You can poke a finger in almost every city on the map of France (with the possible exception of Marseille), and it will certainly nicer promoted Nice.
It is better to consider other options. For a beach holiday perfect Bordeaux, where in the case, you can look at the competition in windsurfing, and where is the biggest sand dune in Europe - Dune du Pyla, from the top of which offers stunning views of the Atlantic, the surrounding pine forests and on the chain of the Pyrenees. However, so far to go from Paris it is not necessary. The Loire Valley is just an hour's drive, and its historical, cultural and gastronomic attractions will be able to keep you busy for a week or even a month.
Do not choose a flight at the airport Beauvais

Around the airport there are many interesting places, but to rank them in Paris, at a distance of 90 km, it would be wrong. Most budget trip to the French capital cost at least 13 euros, which will eat a certain share of the budget, "saved" on buying a ticket from the low-cost carrier. If the arrival or departure will fall at night, the savings principle does not work, because sleeping in the airport and not allowed to use public transport to get into it or out of it, will not succeed.
It is better to use the special offers of airlines flying to Orly or Charles de Gaulle airport, offering cheap and much faster access to the city.