a new record for overclocking
Carmakers from the United Kingdom reaffirmed his high class in the creation of outstanding sports car. Little known to the general public car Ultima GTR established last week a new world record for mass-produced models by time spent on the acceleration from zero to a hundred miles per hour and subsequent braking to a standstill. Sports car perform this exercise only 9, 8 seconds.
At the same time, to accelerate from zero to 60 miles per hour GTR spent 2, 7 seconds, up to 100 miles per hour (or up to 160 kilometers per hour) - 5, 8 seconds, and the subsequent braking to a complete stop - only 3 8-seconds. The first two digits are also new world records.
They say the company Ultima, the car set a world record, was equipped with a 685-horsepower V8 engine of the brand Chevrolet, prepared by American Speed. The same engine is installed on all client cars Ultima GTR. In addition, there is also a less powerful version of the model - with 640-horsepower engine, is prepared in only one instance.
At the same time, to accelerate from zero to 60 miles per hour GTR spent 2, 7 seconds, up to 100 miles per hour (or up to 160 kilometers per hour) - 5, 8 seconds, and the subsequent braking to a complete stop - only 3 8-seconds. The first two digits are also new world records.
They say the company Ultima, the car set a world record, was equipped with a 685-horsepower V8 engine of the brand Chevrolet, prepared by American Speed. The same engine is installed on all client cars Ultima GTR. In addition, there is also a less powerful version of the model - with 640-horsepower engine, is prepared in only one instance.
