Vnimaniye! Prussia check out!
In etat times valiantly pindosskie spetsnaz pravelo bleystyayshuyu apiratseyu pas capture malaletneva pindosskava dalbayoba, vaaruzhonava pukalkay ...
Itag, adnim fine morning, nihuya predveschavshim any trouble, our giroy dagadalso privoloch Q school pnivmatichesky pestolet Ex katorava Yivo father, quadrupeds in the state of fluoride dalbayob and pyanetsa ibashil f piles agarodi pas empty bottles ispad temple. Kagda in achiridnoy races pyatnichnym morning etat floritsky kavboy asleep f piles agarode, Yivo saabrazitelny son, prahadya mime school NIVO f vytaschel of aslabevshey hands Deda preslavuty Mauser.
Prechine, pabudifshiye atchayanova padrostka bring £ Aruja school were typical Pindostana: £ School Yivo pastayanna draznile MakFlayem, iboshili pachom vain and machilis on Yivo ranets with uchebnegami. Nasmatrefshis filmav great chmoshnekaf, katoryye became not chmoshnekame our McFly reshylsya etat on atchayanny Shack.
Cada he f kastyume Batman rushed to the school and became dvorek firing into the air ispugannyye Pindos stale napiriboy Rank fmelitsyyu and hide patstalom.
Spetsnazu arrived during azhistachonnyh Bioware to demonstrate how rockets tamogavk údolie attesnit privaskhodyaschiye force prativneka (etava prativnava malcheg with pukalkay) f talchok. F talchke our giroy atstrelivalsya am atakuyuschih Rangers yes paslednie pulque. After etava as palozheno have pindosaf began piregovory during Katori malcheg hatel drink Yadu, but f the day mom forgot to put a yemu Saboya zaftrok.
Kagda piregavory logged impasse f, f McFly paryve bessilnay yarosti napravel a pop gun to odnovo IS spetsnazaftsev. Ranger valiantly ahuef am niazhydannasti, first let trickle kokakoly f bronirovannyye trusneki, Pat softly puknuf zazhmurelsya and shmalnul random IP Remington talchku pa ...
Pa nihuya nipatverzhdennay informatsei rebenak Astana alive, although drop yemu demolished half yaytsa and kusocheg ear. Pa rumors fsya dismantling praizashla because of Neka pelotka ...
Fprochem how abychno.
Istochneg: _http: //lenta.ru/news/2006/01/14/armed/
Itag, adnim fine morning, nihuya predveschavshim any trouble, our giroy dagadalso privoloch Q school pnivmatichesky pestolet Ex katorava Yivo father, quadrupeds in the state of fluoride dalbayob and pyanetsa ibashil f piles agarodi pas empty bottles ispad temple. Kagda in achiridnoy races pyatnichnym morning etat floritsky kavboy asleep f piles agarode, Yivo saabrazitelny son, prahadya mime school NIVO f vytaschel of aslabevshey hands Deda preslavuty Mauser.
Prechine, pabudifshiye atchayanova padrostka bring £ Aruja school were typical Pindostana: £ School Yivo pastayanna draznile MakFlayem, iboshili pachom vain and machilis on Yivo ranets with uchebnegami. Nasmatrefshis filmav great chmoshnekaf, katoryye became not chmoshnekame our McFly reshylsya etat on atchayanny Shack.
Cada he f kastyume Batman rushed to the school and became dvorek firing into the air ispugannyye Pindos stale napiriboy Rank fmelitsyyu and hide patstalom.
Spetsnazu arrived during azhistachonnyh Bioware to demonstrate how rockets tamogavk údolie attesnit privaskhodyaschiye force prativneka (etava prativnava malcheg with pukalkay) f talchok. F talchke our giroy atstrelivalsya am atakuyuschih Rangers yes paslednie pulque. After etava as palozheno have pindosaf began piregovory during Katori malcheg hatel drink Yadu, but f the day mom forgot to put a yemu Saboya zaftrok.
Kagda piregavory logged impasse f, f McFly paryve bessilnay yarosti napravel a pop gun to odnovo IS spetsnazaftsev. Ranger valiantly ahuef am niazhydannasti, first let trickle kokakoly f bronirovannyye trusneki, Pat softly puknuf zazhmurelsya and shmalnul random IP Remington talchku pa ...
Pa nihuya nipatverzhdennay informatsei rebenak Astana alive, although drop yemu demolished half yaytsa and kusocheg ear. Pa rumors fsya dismantling praizashla because of Neka pelotka ...
Fprochem how abychno.
Istochneg: _http: //lenta.ru/news/2006/01/14/armed/
