Goliath Tiger Fish
What hooked Jeremy Wade - is a big Goliath tiger fish from the order Perciformes. It is considered more dangerous piranhas, and thanks to its impressive size fish even attacking crocodiles.
Species that caught Wade, weighs 45 kg and almost 2 meters in length. "It's very, very dangerous fish. With it, you need to be careful, distracted, and she will bite off your finger, or something worse, "- said the man.
Goliath Tiger fish, predatory fish species weighing up to 154 pounds and up to 5 feet, was recently featured in the new program Animal Planet - «River monster." Widely known as a fierce-looking creature with sharp teeth, fish Goliath is only one example of a large variety of fish species that are found in the Congo River, and 80% of which are no longer found anywhere else in the world.
"Monster Fish" is able to swim in rough waters, and can easily grab the smaller fish that can not swim against the current. It is also able to capture low-frequency vibration, which radiates its production.
The Congo River is home to 686 species of fish. The article describing the wonders of the Congo, the World Wildlife Fund has documented the existence of exotic fish found in its waters. We ivory fish in the tail is electric organ that is used for navigation and communication with their own kind. National Geographic Magazine reports that this fish is also a long trunk to sift through sediment at the bottom of the river in search of food.
Lungfish, unlike most fish can breathe air. They survive with a slight amount of oxygen, and even without it. During the dry season, they burrow into the mud pit and enveloped with mucus. Mnogoperoobraznye resemble ancient fish, "with lobed fins and solid flake coating».
Fish of the Congo River are able to adapt to the environment with incredible efficiency. Some hide from predators in the water giatsiantah that grow along the banks of the river, while others live in the partially submerged fallen trees.
However, some fishermen fishing abused or used methods that bring damage to fish populations, such as the destruction of the vegetation along the banks of the river with the help of herbicides, the use of explosives and poisons. This led to a decrease in certain types of fish that, according to research conducted by the Project for the Protection and Development of the Congo River (CREDP), threatens the diversity of the underwater world of the river.
Source: animalworld.com.ua

Species that caught Wade, weighs 45 kg and almost 2 meters in length. "It's very, very dangerous fish. With it, you need to be careful, distracted, and she will bite off your finger, or something worse, "- said the man.

Goliath Tiger fish, predatory fish species weighing up to 154 pounds and up to 5 feet, was recently featured in the new program Animal Planet - «River monster." Widely known as a fierce-looking creature with sharp teeth, fish Goliath is only one example of a large variety of fish species that are found in the Congo River, and 80% of which are no longer found anywhere else in the world.

"Monster Fish" is able to swim in rough waters, and can easily grab the smaller fish that can not swim against the current. It is also able to capture low-frequency vibration, which radiates its production.

The Congo River is home to 686 species of fish. The article describing the wonders of the Congo, the World Wildlife Fund has documented the existence of exotic fish found in its waters. We ivory fish in the tail is electric organ that is used for navigation and communication with their own kind. National Geographic Magazine reports that this fish is also a long trunk to sift through sediment at the bottom of the river in search of food.

Lungfish, unlike most fish can breathe air. They survive with a slight amount of oxygen, and even without it. During the dry season, they burrow into the mud pit and enveloped with mucus. Mnogoperoobraznye resemble ancient fish, "with lobed fins and solid flake coating».
Fish of the Congo River are able to adapt to the environment with incredible efficiency. Some hide from predators in the water giatsiantah that grow along the banks of the river, while others live in the partially submerged fallen trees.
However, some fishermen fishing abused or used methods that bring damage to fish populations, such as the destruction of the vegetation along the banks of the river with the help of herbicides, the use of explosives and poisons. This led to a decrease in certain types of fish that, according to research conducted by the Project for the Protection and Development of the Congo River (CREDP), threatens the diversity of the underwater world of the river.

Source: animalworld.com.ua