Is it possible to eat in the Mac 1000 p?
On July 20 the promised competition "Eat at McDonalds for 1000 rubles." About whether it was possible to eat the assistant 11 substations Pikachu-eaf for that amount ...
So, at 16.00 near the McDonalds on Prospekt Mira appeared protagonist of the day surrounded by the support groups. Daughters came to support his father at such a crucial experiment.
Before the competition the judges once again read out the conditions:
- Not more than 1 salad;
- Not more than 1 serving of shrimp;
- Not more than 1 serving Chicken McNuggets;
- No more than one cake.
All have 30 minutes.
The official document was sealed with the signatures of the chief judge, assistant judge and participant in the experiment. Andrew was given 1,000 rubles, which he disappeared behind the doors of the Mac - the restaurant.
After 10 minutes, with a sly squint Lenin returned to participants in the experiment. Wow! But about Actimel and we forget! On the tray was located twenty stogrammovyh jars for 25 p. kazhdaya- 2 liters of bifidobacteria for 500 rubles! But do not change - the conditions of the experiment announced and accepted.
Pikachu for farming has placed food on the table, the judges checked the check and confirm compliance with the conditions. Looking around, Andrew chuckled - so that there is something !? So in fact you can stay hungry. We had a couple of burgers instead of Actimel buy.
Meditation before the start.
The experiment started! The first went inside 8 Actimel jars.
3rd minute. After aktimelnoy workout - salad with shrimps.
10 minutes. Salad polished milkshake.
13 minutes. Opened box of McNuggets.
18 minutes Pikachu started to build up Temp-arrow stopwatch is slowly but surely approaching the 30 minute mark. On the tenth McNuggets Pikachu vstal- so the more fit and more quickly digested.
25ya minute. Chicken breasts are diluted with another portion of Actimel.
Stop! Time! Apparently, because of the slow pace at the start of Pikachu ulozhilsya- not left on the tray 2 Actimel, 3 chicken, cheese sauce and a Big Mac.
... However, the judges decided to continue eksperiment- after 5 minutes of the break has been allocated additional time - 5 minutes.
31 minutes. Pikachu drank the remaining Actimel, bite Big Mac, and ... asked to complete the experiment because of the "Big Mac cooled down, made tasteless." However, the proposal of judges "to bring the same hot" is not supported.
So, at the end of the experiment were not eaten:
- 3 chicken breasts
- Cheese Sauce
- 7/8 Big Mac.
DO NOT eat MAKDONALSE 1000 rubles!

So, at 16.00 near the McDonalds on Prospekt Mira appeared protagonist of the day surrounded by the support groups. Daughters came to support his father at such a crucial experiment.

Before the competition the judges once again read out the conditions:
- Not more than 1 salad;
- Not more than 1 serving of shrimp;
- Not more than 1 serving Chicken McNuggets;
- No more than one cake.
All have 30 minutes.
The official document was sealed with the signatures of the chief judge, assistant judge and participant in the experiment. Andrew was given 1,000 rubles, which he disappeared behind the doors of the Mac - the restaurant.

After 10 minutes, with a sly squint Lenin returned to participants in the experiment. Wow! But about Actimel and we forget! On the tray was located twenty stogrammovyh jars for 25 p. kazhdaya- 2 liters of bifidobacteria for 500 rubles! But do not change - the conditions of the experiment announced and accepted.

Pikachu for farming has placed food on the table, the judges checked the check and confirm compliance with the conditions. Looking around, Andrew chuckled - so that there is something !? So in fact you can stay hungry. We had a couple of burgers instead of Actimel buy.

Meditation before the start.

The experiment started! The first went inside 8 Actimel jars.

3rd minute. After aktimelnoy workout - salad with shrimps.

10 minutes. Salad polished milkshake.

13 minutes. Opened box of McNuggets.

18 minutes Pikachu started to build up Temp-arrow stopwatch is slowly but surely approaching the 30 minute mark. On the tenth McNuggets Pikachu vstal- so the more fit and more quickly digested.

25ya minute. Chicken breasts are diluted with another portion of Actimel.

Stop! Time! Apparently, because of the slow pace at the start of Pikachu ulozhilsya- not left on the tray 2 Actimel, 3 chicken, cheese sauce and a Big Mac.
... However, the judges decided to continue eksperiment- after 5 minutes of the break has been allocated additional time - 5 minutes.

31 minutes. Pikachu drank the remaining Actimel, bite Big Mac, and ... asked to complete the experiment because of the "Big Mac cooled down, made tasteless." However, the proposal of judges "to bring the same hot" is not supported.

So, at the end of the experiment were not eaten:
- 3 chicken breasts
- Cheese Sauce
- 7/8 Big Mac.

DO NOT eat MAKDONALSE 1000 rubles!
