Nomads live in northern Iraq in the Kurdistan region. According to them, they live very poor, barely able to make ends meet. It turned out that one of the nomads of the richest representatives of Iraqi society, prosperity say expensive cars, nice clothes and rich houses, where they spend the winter.
19 ph © Ilya Varlamov
At one point they spend 2-3 months, just "wander" 9 months of the year.
We arrived at one of the families. This is a normal house nomads. For the construction of their temporary homes they use hired labor.
By the way, too, do not graze cattle nomads themselves, they only own flock, shepherds hired from the local poor.
Men and women live separately.
Here's what a normal house Iraqi nomad. Left - a bedroom, to the right - living room.
Sometimes the room is separated by a partition of light, there are sleeping children.
Men spend days talking, drinking tea and "manage" the community. Almost all dressed in national costumes.
The hard life of a simple nomad. For days to think about how the poor hired herders graze your sheep.
Very cute and beautiful kids. On average, a family of 5 to 10 children.
If men drink tea and chat, then a bunch of females of chores.
This family has been in the sheep. Each sheep is an average of $ 200.
19 ph © Ilya Varlamov

At one point they spend 2-3 months, just "wander" 9 months of the year.

We arrived at one of the families. This is a normal house nomads. For the construction of their temporary homes they use hired labor.

By the way, too, do not graze cattle nomads themselves, they only own flock, shepherds hired from the local poor.



Men and women live separately.

Here's what a normal house Iraqi nomad. Left - a bedroom, to the right - living room.

Sometimes the room is separated by a partition of light, there are sleeping children.

Men spend days talking, drinking tea and "manage" the community. Almost all dressed in national costumes.

The hard life of a simple nomad. For days to think about how the poor hired herders graze your sheep.

Very cute and beautiful kids. On average, a family of 5 to 10 children.


If men drink tea and chat, then a bunch of females of chores.

This family has been in the sheep. Each sheep is an average of $ 200.




