Lutsk breakthrough: Echoes of the Great War.
Historically, that the First World War caused us a lot less interest than the Great Patriotic War, and knows about her ordinary man in the street is not an example less. Meanwhile, in the history of the First World War, too, as a lot of heroic and dramatic pages, deserves close attention. One such historical events - Brusilovsky breakthrough in 1916. In memory of this large-scale military operation in the Ukraine, in the city of Lutsk - in place of real historical events - held large-scale military-historical reconstruction of the "Echo of the Great War 1914-1918. Lutsk breakthrough in 1916 ".
88 photo + letter
via live_report
1. Loaded backpacks and bulky bags with uniforms and props, we embarked on the train Moscow-Kovel, Kiev railway station and went to the western Ukrainian city of Rivne.
2. No special adventure we got to Rivne, and from there by bus to Lutsk. When our bus stopped on a huge field, it turned out that almost all the participants of future action is not a place to learn, set up camp and dressed in historical form. To follow their example and we, and here in half an hour by the rhythmic beat of the drum on the field marched First Company of the First Battalion 45 East Prussian Infantry Regiment of the Kaiser's army in full battle regalia. I got the role of Kaiser infantryman armed with a pair of cameras.
7. Thus, even march our system marched through the entire field to a small truck, where every soldier by hand and secured passports issued rifle. I must say that weapons and pyrotechnics at the event was very helpful Dovzhenko Film Studio, for which they thank you very much, and by re-enactors, and from the audience.
11. It is time to get comfortable on the field. Organizers spoke briefly, what role each of the military units involved in the reconstruction. Our regiment had to wait in reserve and advance to the second line on the signal, divided into groups and took up defensive positions on the second line of defense.
17. Suddenly, our training was interrupted and asked to go to the bank of the river Styr. It turns out, the organizers have planned a parade of all the participants of reconstruction. Gathered in the column, our regiment marched to the beat of the drum to the river, and advance pontoon bridge went to the nearby beach.
24. To say that the parade made an impression on the people of Lutsk - so much to downplay it effectively. When a column of soldiers in uniform during World people were getting cameras and took pictures on mobile phones.
38.A distance, without showing the slightest attention to the parade majestically walked Stork
39. Shortly frozen columns lined up in neat boxes, and the ranks came the head of the region. One of the officers introduced him thoroughly each division, told his story and named Military Merit. After the official part was over, the convoy turned around and marched back to the music on the battlefield.
41. When the troops crossed the river, the majestic melody played (as it turned out - from the movie "Gettysburg"), under which the troops of the Triple Alliance took their place - who is in the first line, the second one, and some in reserve.
44. As long as the troops took their positions and preparing for battle, leading the audience told about the events of that time, the course of the fighting, and in fact on the Brusilov breakthrough. In 1916, General Brusilov conceived and implemented msshtabnuyu tactical operation in Galicia and in the Western Ukraine, which was later named after him Brusilovsky breakthroughs. The essence and novelty of this operation was that the troops on a certain sector of the front had to go in at the same time the offensive all along the line. This large-scale offensive was accompanied by a massive artillery preparation. This tactic paid off: the Austro-Hungarian troops were unable to hold back the onslaught of the forces of the Imperial Russian Army, and was on his head smashed. Front Brussiloff freed almost all of Volyn, took almost the entire part of Galicia and Bukovina. The damage suffered by the Austro-Hungarian army during the operation was so great that undermined its fighting capacity.
45. Shortly reverberated over the field the first shots - offensive began. The first soldiers entered the RIA induced pontoon bridge and began to cross to the other side. Then, imitating art training, began to explode pyrotechnics laid charges. Suddenly the water rose a column of spray, which, after a few seconds, spilled on the fine rain. After the first explosion was followed by a second, and after him - the third, but already on the ground. Vyrvanye pieces of land and clouds of sand began to settle down on the soldiers entrenched in fortifications.
48.Ot pyrotechnic charges laid in the ground remained crater the size of a manhole and sump depth elbow
49.Pervye broken through resistance overran part of the Austro-vengeskih soldiers on the front line of defense and thoroughly entrenched themselves on the conquered positions. At that moment I heard behind drums - in the battle to take part Kaiser's army. Fierce firefight ensued.
55. I have all this time been on the defensive side, and could not see what was happening at the coast. But the events of the course is also noteworthy. Here is what the progress offensive Dmitry Nosov, a representative of the Kama 110 Regiment Russian Imperial Army:
59. "On the parapet from the far bank of the river Styr moved the machine gun and fired a long burst in the direction of the enemy, forcing him to lie down. Under its cover moved forward on foot Cossack scouts. They formed groups of the Cossacks, who could not afford a horse, that is not the cavalry. Although they look like cavalry units: all beautiful, Circassian ... While there, he took off Circassian - was roasting. In general, they reached the opposite bank, without incurring losses and forced the Germans to retreat. They were flown light and heavy machine putemёty. After that they transferred the main forces on the bridge to the other side. All this time has worked pyrotechnics. Generally very healthy everything was organized - the charges do not regret it, blew up a lot and often. I participated in many reconstructions, but is seen ktorme this one more time. We had a debate: will detonate charges in the water or not. They explode, so that some water has sent us great. Everything was very natural. "
60. RIA soldiers tried to attack, occupy the second line of defense, and from time to time met with fierce resistance. But the counter-attack German units also did not bring success. The front stabilized.
61. Suddenly, from the Russian soldiers came shouting "Do not shoot" and demanding to talk to superiors by the enemy. On our side, came the regimental musician 45 Infantry Regiment unterofitser Boris Burba, who turned the eldest of the survivors of the battle. Negotiators agreed on a temporary cease-fire and began to make the battlefield wounded. But it was still ten minutes, and then started talking guns. The war continued.
66. But not this time. Leading heralded the end of Reconstruction.
67. The soldiers began to leave the battlefield, enthusiastically telling each other the details of the last fight, and of course the local boys began collecting battle trophies - spent cartridges.
73. Meanwhile, the pontoon bridge began to dismantle
75. After the fight and a hearty dinner, our regiment began to camp in full compliance with the harsh realities of the early twentieth century. Each soldier's backpack turned tseltban - German cape. Here we have built a large tent. Occupation it was with their tricks, so Boris Burba personally led the formulation of the tent. But in the end we put a tent on the conscience - gently and evenly. More more anturazhnye camp gave the so-called "bag of happiness": the empty cloth bags, which, if to fill with straw turned into mattresses. It was nice to see how people came together from all sides of the camp to see and take pictures of our work is almost art.
81. Not properly set up a tent, it should be more properly dig around
83. Hot Day twilight gradually gave way to cool, and then - a frosty night (in the morning we saw frost on the walls of the tents). People began to gather around the fire to tell and listen to stories. Someone then went to the tents, while others fall asleep right here, by the fire.
88. Thus ended the first day of the festival, "Echo of the Great War 1914-1918. Lutsk breakthrough in 1916 ".
88 photo + letter
via live_report
1. Loaded backpacks and bulky bags with uniforms and props, we embarked on the train Moscow-Kovel, Kiev railway station and went to the western Ukrainian city of Rivne.

2. No special adventure we got to Rivne, and from there by bus to Lutsk. When our bus stopped on a huge field, it turned out that almost all the participants of future action is not a place to learn, set up camp and dressed in historical form. To follow their example and we, and here in half an hour by the rhythmic beat of the drum on the field marched First Company of the First Battalion 45 East Prussian Infantry Regiment of the Kaiser's army in full battle regalia. I got the role of Kaiser infantryman armed with a pair of cameras.





7. Thus, even march our system marched through the entire field to a small truck, where every soldier by hand and secured passports issued rifle. I must say that weapons and pyrotechnics at the event was very helpful Dovzhenko Film Studio, for which they thank you very much, and by re-enactors, and from the audience.




11. It is time to get comfortable on the field. Organizers spoke briefly, what role each of the military units involved in the reconstruction. Our regiment had to wait in reserve and advance to the second line on the signal, divided into groups and took up defensive positions on the second line of defense.






17. Suddenly, our training was interrupted and asked to go to the bank of the river Styr. It turns out, the organizers have planned a parade of all the participants of reconstruction. Gathered in the column, our regiment marched to the beat of the drum to the river, and advance pontoon bridge went to the nearby beach.







24. To say that the parade made an impression on the people of Lutsk - so much to downplay it effectively. When a column of soldiers in uniform during World people were getting cameras and took pictures on mobile phones.














38.A distance, without showing the slightest attention to the parade majestically walked Stork

39. Shortly frozen columns lined up in neat boxes, and the ranks came the head of the region. One of the officers introduced him thoroughly each division, told his story and named Military Merit. After the official part was over, the convoy turned around and marched back to the music on the battlefield.


41. When the troops crossed the river, the majestic melody played (as it turned out - from the movie "Gettysburg"), under which the troops of the Triple Alliance took their place - who is in the first line, the second one, and some in reserve.



44. As long as the troops took their positions and preparing for battle, leading the audience told about the events of that time, the course of the fighting, and in fact on the Brusilov breakthrough. In 1916, General Brusilov conceived and implemented msshtabnuyu tactical operation in Galicia and in the Western Ukraine, which was later named after him Brusilovsky breakthroughs. The essence and novelty of this operation was that the troops on a certain sector of the front had to go in at the same time the offensive all along the line. This large-scale offensive was accompanied by a massive artillery preparation. This tactic paid off: the Austro-Hungarian troops were unable to hold back the onslaught of the forces of the Imperial Russian Army, and was on his head smashed. Front Brussiloff freed almost all of Volyn, took almost the entire part of Galicia and Bukovina. The damage suffered by the Austro-Hungarian army during the operation was so great that undermined its fighting capacity.

45. Shortly reverberated over the field the first shots - offensive began. The first soldiers entered the RIA induced pontoon bridge and began to cross to the other side. Then, imitating art training, began to explode pyrotechnics laid charges. Suddenly the water rose a column of spray, which, after a few seconds, spilled on the fine rain. After the first explosion was followed by a second, and after him - the third, but already on the ground. Vyrvanye pieces of land and clouds of sand began to settle down on the soldiers entrenched in fortifications.



48.Ot pyrotechnic charges laid in the ground remained crater the size of a manhole and sump depth elbow

49.Pervye broken through resistance overran part of the Austro-vengeskih soldiers on the front line of defense and thoroughly entrenched themselves on the conquered positions. At that moment I heard behind drums - in the battle to take part Kaiser's army. Fierce firefight ensued.






55. I have all this time been on the defensive side, and could not see what was happening at the coast. But the events of the course is also noteworthy. Here is what the progress offensive Dmitry Nosov, a representative of the Kama 110 Regiment Russian Imperial Army:




59. "On the parapet from the far bank of the river Styr moved the machine gun and fired a long burst in the direction of the enemy, forcing him to lie down. Under its cover moved forward on foot Cossack scouts. They formed groups of the Cossacks, who could not afford a horse, that is not the cavalry. Although they look like cavalry units: all beautiful, Circassian ... While there, he took off Circassian - was roasting. In general, they reached the opposite bank, without incurring losses and forced the Germans to retreat. They were flown light and heavy machine putemёty. After that they transferred the main forces on the bridge to the other side. All this time has worked pyrotechnics. Generally very healthy everything was organized - the charges do not regret it, blew up a lot and often. I participated in many reconstructions, but is seen ktorme this one more time. We had a debate: will detonate charges in the water or not. They explode, so that some water has sent us great. Everything was very natural. "

60. RIA soldiers tried to attack, occupy the second line of defense, and from time to time met with fierce resistance. But the counter-attack German units also did not bring success. The front stabilized.

61. Suddenly, from the Russian soldiers came shouting "Do not shoot" and demanding to talk to superiors by the enemy. On our side, came the regimental musician 45 Infantry Regiment unterofitser Boris Burba, who turned the eldest of the survivors of the battle. Negotiators agreed on a temporary cease-fire and began to make the battlefield wounded. But it was still ten minutes, and then started talking guns. The war continued.





66. But not this time. Leading heralded the end of Reconstruction.

67. The soldiers began to leave the battlefield, enthusiastically telling each other the details of the last fight, and of course the local boys began collecting battle trophies - spent cartridges.






73. Meanwhile, the pontoon bridge began to dismantle


75. After the fight and a hearty dinner, our regiment began to camp in full compliance with the harsh realities of the early twentieth century. Each soldier's backpack turned tseltban - German cape. Here we have built a large tent. Occupation it was with their tricks, so Boris Burba personally led the formulation of the tent. But in the end we put a tent on the conscience - gently and evenly. More more anturazhnye camp gave the so-called "bag of happiness": the empty cloth bags, which, if to fill with straw turned into mattresses. It was nice to see how people came together from all sides of the camp to see and take pictures of our work is almost art.






81. Not properly set up a tent, it should be more properly dig around


83. Hot Day twilight gradually gave way to cool, and then - a frosty night (in the morning we saw frost on the walls of the tents). People began to gather around the fire to tell and listen to stories. Someone then went to the tents, while others fall asleep right here, by the fire.





88. Thus ended the first day of the festival, "Echo of the Great War 1914-1918. Lutsk breakthrough in 1916 ".
