The Adventures of "Bambi" in Yaroslavl
Very strange to see Bambi in our city, as I know the deer are not found here at all, but apparently sometimes there are exceptions.
Here he is. Bambi, bitten by angry dogs.
Source: yar-net.ru/blog/post/276/
The crowd of onlookers headed by rescuers thinks about the further destiny of the animal
And in the meantime he lay down to rest
Preparing operation
Main course politsmen - Alexander Stolyarov
And the brave rescuer obscure
That television has appeared in time in the face of an operator
Who deer rescue who unload furniture, to each his own
As it turned out, even pogryzeny deer runs slow and is not certainly has an advantage over the man, buried in snowdrifts
Safely fled for home
We run too, operator-Ilyushka neoshko (I, yarnet) and I in back somewhere Nastya, and even further runs the whole crowd of onlookers, who had not expected that the need to change the deployment
Blood Bambi
Police officers detained the attacker, trying to put his handcuffs, but he did not think so just give
Light traffic hoof it back and on the legs. By the way he yells as a man
Run entirely nowhere ponastavili boxes brick
Malicious attacks from behind Mr.
All forces are no more, what would break out, swamped and tied
Again the blood of Bambi
Arrived, a crowd of onlookers, mostly students
Bambi closeup
So, Bambi ready for shipment
Heavy probably
Backstage of a film about the rescue of Deer
Put in nine
Then it ran out of petrol
Valiant rescuers refueled the car with the letter V, the wheel was a woman veterinarian
And even in the good way pushed
We hope that everything will Bambi, a couple of injections and sutures, and go to the zoo or to the forest, the doctors decide it's
Source: http: //
Here he is. Bambi, bitten by angry dogs.
Source: yar-net.ru/blog/post/276/

The crowd of onlookers headed by rescuers thinks about the further destiny of the animal


And in the meantime he lay down to rest

Preparing operation


Main course politsmen - Alexander Stolyarov

And the brave rescuer obscure

That television has appeared in time in the face of an operator

Who deer rescue who unload furniture, to each his own

As it turned out, even pogryzeny deer runs slow and is not certainly has an advantage over the man, buried in snowdrifts





Safely fled for home

We run too, operator-Ilyushka neoshko (I, yarnet) and I in back somewhere Nastya, and even further runs the whole crowd of onlookers, who had not expected that the need to change the deployment



Blood Bambi

Police officers detained the attacker, trying to put his handcuffs, but he did not think so just give


Light traffic hoof it back and on the legs. By the way he yells as a man

Run entirely nowhere ponastavili boxes brick

Malicious attacks from behind Mr.

All forces are no more, what would break out, swamped and tied


Again the blood of Bambi


Arrived, a crowd of onlookers, mostly students




Bambi closeup





So, Bambi ready for shipment


Heavy probably

Backstage of a film about the rescue of Deer

Put in nine




Then it ran out of petrol

Valiant rescuers refueled the car with the letter V, the wheel was a woman veterinarian

And even in the good way pushed
We hope that everything will Bambi, a couple of injections and sutures, and go to the zoo or to the forest, the doctors decide it's

Source: http: //