Swaziland amazing country. I never thought that this is Africa. There are other people different nature, a different architecture. It is located between South Africa and Mozambique. In size it is slightly more than the Kaliningrad Region. Swaziland is known for the fact that every fourth resident of this small country is infected with immunodeficiency virus HIV (26, 1% according to the UN, 2007), which is the highest among the countries of the world. And there is a wonderful tradition. Each year, the king chooses a new wife. Pass it on Reed Dance (Umhlanga) - the annual mass celebration, which culminates in a dance of several thousand half-naked Swazi virgin. The King Mswati III, the last absolute monarch in Africa, has 13 wives.
01. Visa put in 3 minutes at the border. Everything passes quickly and without delay. In Swaziland, excellent roads. To ride on this small mountainous country is a pleasure.
02. In the reeds monkeys running around.
03. The King is quite young, it is shown on all banknotes kingdom. By the way, he has 67 brothers. Here is a large and friendly family. In April 2011, the territory of the country held mass opposition rallies demanding the resignation Mswati III. The opposition accuses the monarch in the looting of the public treasury for the sake of ensuring a life of luxury himself and his 13 wives. April 12 police, using non-lethal weapons to disperse a rally in the capital of Swaziland, arrested 13 organizers of the rally. Almost like we
04. In Swaziland autumn.
05. Most svazilendtsev syncretist 40% (based on a combination of beliefs of Christianity with indigenous cults), 20% - Catholics. They go to church in uniform.
06. Since public transport is bad. Some daily walk 10-20 kilometers to work.
07. Children, as elsewhere, are very friendly and curious.
08. Look how charming their truck.
10. But adults do not like to be photographed. This cute street barber decided to throw a bottle at the photographer. What kind of morals?
11. The capital Mbabane.
12. The city is clean, small and totally confused.
13. The roads are good
14. In the evening all the fried corn.
15. View of the capital.
16. Panorama.
Click here to view the large size.
18. What is a huge granite rock. They say it is the second largest solid piece of granite in the world. The first is in Australia.
19. Granite is really a lot. You can make a huge statue of King
22. In the mountains, very beautiful.
32. Mswati III on the list of 15 richest monarchs in the world by the magazine Forbes. His fortune is estimated at more than $ 100 million. Each of the 13 of his wives live in separate palace.
33. At the same time, Swaziland - one of the poorest countries in the world, 60% of the population lives on less than $ 2 a day.
35. Aluminum Cookware

01. Visa put in 3 minutes at the border. Everything passes quickly and without delay. In Swaziland, excellent roads. To ride on this small mountainous country is a pleasure.

02. In the reeds monkeys running around.

03. The King is quite young, it is shown on all banknotes kingdom. By the way, he has 67 brothers. Here is a large and friendly family. In April 2011, the territory of the country held mass opposition rallies demanding the resignation Mswati III. The opposition accuses the monarch in the looting of the public treasury for the sake of ensuring a life of luxury himself and his 13 wives. April 12 police, using non-lethal weapons to disperse a rally in the capital of Swaziland, arrested 13 organizers of the rally. Almost like we

04. In Swaziland autumn.

05. Most svazilendtsev syncretist 40% (based on a combination of beliefs of Christianity with indigenous cults), 20% - Catholics. They go to church in uniform.

06. Since public transport is bad. Some daily walk 10-20 kilometers to work.

07. Children, as elsewhere, are very friendly and curious.

08. Look how charming their truck.


10. But adults do not like to be photographed. This cute street barber decided to throw a bottle at the photographer. What kind of morals?

11. The capital Mbabane.

12. The city is clean, small and totally confused.

13. The roads are good

14. In the evening all the fried corn.

15. View of the capital.

16. Panorama.
Click here to view the large size.


18. What is a huge granite rock. They say it is the second largest solid piece of granite in the world. The first is in Australia.

19. Granite is really a lot. You can make a huge statue of King



22. In the mountains, very beautiful.










32. Mswati III on the list of 15 richest monarchs in the world by the magazine Forbes. His fortune is estimated at more than $ 100 million. Each of the 13 of his wives live in separate palace.

33. At the same time, Swaziland - one of the poorest countries in the world, 60% of the population lives on less than $ 2 a day.


35. Aluminum Cookware

