My first jeans

His first jeans I bought from black marketeers in Leningrad in 1980 Olympic year.
They cost 120 rubles.
Salary my mother's nurse was 110 rubles, his father - a metallurgist listoprokatchika 280 rubles.
My scholarship student LSU 40 pe ...
And - RIFLE ...
I wore them for three years. Just prior to the release.
Then the fate of a state. distribution threw me in the hottest of Kazakhstan in Guryev ...
And there - sturgeon (naturally poaching, the other could not be), caviar. Meat of the saiga antelope (gusadarstvom harvested and sold in stores for 1p. 80 kopecks per kg.)
Manta. Tea with butter ... Yes, yes! There is now a drink. With oil!
In short, jeans ceased to converge in front and fastened.
Puzechko industry.
Lay them in the closet. Withstood two moving.
And 10 years from now, when I do, and waved at them on the figure by hand, the wife skonstrulila are denim bag. Modnyachuyu.
For a while her Force.
And then the jeans out of fashion ... And the bag took away his father.
For instruments. In the car.
The fabric was extremely strong!
And when, after his father's death, my mother sold the car, the bag was gone, along with all its contents to the new owner somewhere in the village ...
That's the story of my first jeans.
