Aero opinion.
Perhaps, after you are familiar with the "baker's dozen" air-facts of this issue, you will be more confident feel on board. Although not a fact ... Some aerophobia such a high degree that no facts will not help.
1. Air transport - the safest form of transport
2. Every 3 seconds in the world once the plane lands
3. If you have a chance everyday catastrophe was only 0, 01%, this would mean that the day should be split at least 13 aircraft
4. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes
5. die under the wheels of a car, standing on a crosswalk waiting for the green light traffic lights chance ten times more than in a plane crash.
6. Before each flight the aircraft passes a complex technical check.
7. Plane crash - it is never a coincidence, but always the totality of factors
8. More than 80% of the population is afraid to fly. 5% completely rejects flights, preferring to air transport and ground water
9. The scientific name of fear and flight altitude - aerophobia
10. The flight attendants fall more often than representatives of other professions.
11. Many are afraid of falling down from a height of 10 km. It is not possible because of the strong pressure under the wings of the aircraft. It rests on the air is not worse than the car on the highway. It can be put on the tail, turn on its axis by 100 degrees downward - and if you let go of the steering wheel, the plane will just wiggle in the air, like a boat on the waves.
12. Pilots and flight attendants do not receive cash bonuses for "risk". Because the airplane flies is not contrary to common sense and the laws of nature, and thanks to them
Posted in [mergetime] 1350973575 [/ mergetime]
Thats all, thx.
Perhaps, after you are familiar with the "baker's dozen" air-facts of this issue, you will be more confident feel on board. Although not a fact ... Some aerophobia such a high degree that no facts will not help.
1. Air transport - the safest form of transport
2. Every 3 seconds in the world once the plane lands
3. If you have a chance everyday catastrophe was only 0, 01%, this would mean that the day should be split at least 13 aircraft
4. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes
5. die under the wheels of a car, standing on a crosswalk waiting for the green light traffic lights chance ten times more than in a plane crash.
6. Before each flight the aircraft passes a complex technical check.
7. Plane crash - it is never a coincidence, but always the totality of factors
8. More than 80% of the population is afraid to fly. 5% completely rejects flights, preferring to air transport and ground water
9. The scientific name of fear and flight altitude - aerophobia
10. The flight attendants fall more often than representatives of other professions.
11. Many are afraid of falling down from a height of 10 km. It is not possible because of the strong pressure under the wings of the aircraft. It rests on the air is not worse than the car on the highway. It can be put on the tail, turn on its axis by 100 degrees downward - and if you let go of the steering wheel, the plane will just wiggle in the air, like a boat on the waves.
12. Pilots and flight attendants do not receive cash bonuses for "risk". Because the airplane flies is not contrary to common sense and the laws of nature, and thanks to them
Posted in [mergetime] 1350973575 [/ mergetime]
Thats all, thx.