How Prokudin-Gorsky filmed in color Tsarist Russia
The history of these photos: A man by the name of Prokudin-Gorsky in 1909-10 came up with such a thing: to photograph objects 3 times in 3 filters - red, green and blue. Get 3 black-and-white photos. The projection of the three plates had to be simultaneous. He used a small folding camera such as the one that was developed by Adolf Mitomo. Three exposures are required of the same object taken at intervals of approximately one second, and one glass plate of the same width and 84-88 mm in length 232 mm. Plate each time to change position, and the image is captured through three different color filter. Shoot the subject had to be fixed, that was a big limitation.
Back in 1900 he won the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition in Paris. In 1913 he carried out his slide show in the biggest Parisian theater. The success was so great that large foreign companies peppered him with a job offer. But Russia, he could not leave too much has been connected with it.
Prokudin-Gorsky in 1909, through the Grand Duke Michael, who was honorary chairman of the St. Petersburg Photographic Society, received an audience with Tsar Nicholas II. The king invites Prokudin-Gorsky to make a showing of slides in front of the imperial court at Tsarskoye Selo. When showing Sergei Mikhailovich had to comment on the pictures, and he did it just dramatically. By the end of the demonstration in the hall there was a delighted whisper. At the end of the king shook his hand, the Empress and the royal children were congratulated on the success.
Back in 1900 he won the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition in Paris. In 1913 he carried out his slide show in the biggest Parisian theater. The success was so great that large foreign companies peppered him with a job offer. But Russia, he could not leave too much has been connected with it.
Prokudin-Gorsky in 1909, through the Grand Duke Michael, who was honorary chairman of the St. Petersburg Photographic Society, received an audience with Tsar Nicholas II. The king invites Prokudin-Gorsky to make a showing of slides in front of the imperial court at Tsarskoye Selo. When showing Sergei Mikhailovich had to comment on the pictures, and he did it just dramatically. By the end of the demonstration in the hall there was a delighted whisper. At the end of the king shook his hand, the Empress and the royal children were congratulated on the success.