Sea creatures (55 photos)
And a lot of description.
1. Chimaeras. Shark ghost fish or rabbit. Poisonous spines on the fins.
2. Viperfish. Viper. All clear: canines and jaw.
3. Pelican eel. Eel.
Squid, eel found in the stomach.
4. Dana Octopus Squid. Squid. Can create some bright flash to blind and disorient the victim.
5. Colossal Squid. Giant. Cthulhu fhtagn!
6. Ocean sunfish. Sunfish. Mola mola. Reaches a length of 3 m and a weight of 1410 kg.
Fixed capture supergiant length of 5, 5 m
7. Stargazers. Poison fangs, ect. Hypnotizing sight.
8. Grenadiers (rattails). Grenadier. Rat tail.
Males make sounds like drumming to attract females.
9. Oarfish. Paddle. Big fish, 11 meters.
10. Megamouth shark. Deep sea.
11. Fangtooths. Fangs.
12. Sea robins. Robin. Croaking like a frog.
13. Firefly squid. Firefly. They argue that it is the only cephalopod,
whose color vision.
14. Handfish. Fish with handles. Covered with poisonous spines, goes along the bottom.
15. Coffin fish. Coffin. Dangerous freak. In case of danger, swallows water and inflated so that it can not be swallowed.
16. Dragonfish. Dragon. Iglorot. Lifestyle is not precisely known.
17. Blobfish. Droplet. Air bubble she does not work, produces a gel having a density less than water.
With the help of this magical gel rises and falls.
Muscles are underdeveloped, so I just swallows all life in its path.
18. Sea cucumber. Cucumber. Breathes through the ass, getting oxygen from seawater.
19. Lizardfish. Lizard.
20. Strange devils.
Fish - the robot. Real robots on the chip. That still tvarina ...
Glass squid. Lives in the southern hemisphere
Slander Lanternfish - this little creature lives on land more than water.

1. Chimaeras. Shark ghost fish or rabbit. Poisonous spines on the fins.

2. Viperfish. Viper. All clear: canines and jaw.

3. Pelican eel. Eel.

Squid, eel found in the stomach.

4. Dana Octopus Squid. Squid. Can create some bright flash to blind and disorient the victim.

5. Colossal Squid. Giant. Cthulhu fhtagn!

6. Ocean sunfish. Sunfish. Mola mola. Reaches a length of 3 m and a weight of 1410 kg.
Fixed capture supergiant length of 5, 5 m

7. Stargazers. Poison fangs, ect. Hypnotizing sight.

8. Grenadiers (rattails). Grenadier. Rat tail.
Males make sounds like drumming to attract females.

9. Oarfish. Paddle. Big fish, 11 meters.

10. Megamouth shark. Deep sea.

11. Fangtooths. Fangs.

12. Sea robins. Robin. Croaking like a frog.

13. Firefly squid. Firefly. They argue that it is the only cephalopod,
whose color vision.

14. Handfish. Fish with handles. Covered with poisonous spines, goes along the bottom.

15. Coffin fish. Coffin. Dangerous freak. In case of danger, swallows water and inflated so that it can not be swallowed.

16. Dragonfish. Dragon. Iglorot. Lifestyle is not precisely known.

17. Blobfish. Droplet. Air bubble she does not work, produces a gel having a density less than water.
With the help of this magical gel rises and falls.
Muscles are underdeveloped, so I just swallows all life in its path.

18. Sea cucumber. Cucumber. Breathes through the ass, getting oxygen from seawater.

19. Lizardfish. Lizard.

20. Strange devils.

Fish - the robot. Real robots on the chip. That still tvarina ...

Glass squid. Lives in the southern hemisphere




Slander Lanternfish - this little creature lives on land more than water.


Sun through the eyes of the military photographers.
The actual situation that happened the other day in Moscow!