
Franz Reichelt
I wanted to prove to the world that he - the genius inventor who is not subject to the laws of attraction.
To do this, he created a special suit, which was supposed to help it ride out a fall from a great height.
In fact, he proved that the fall from the Eiffel Tower will result in death :)
"The parachute coat Reichelt's,» pictured above, was supposed to be operated in the same way as a modern parachute. The ultimate test of his invention took place in 1912, he jumped off the Eiffel Tower in front of a crowd of people. VIDEO

Bando Mitsugoro VIII
I wanted to prove that it is not susceptible to the poison.
Bando Mitsugoro VIII was a Japanese Kabuki actor, called him a "national treasure" in Japan.
16th year in 1975, Mitsugoro went to a restaurant with friends and ordered four fish «fugu.» She also known as fishers' desire to die "because it is extremely toxic.
Having eaten piece by piece, he realized that he was mistaken in his invulnerability. And so as not to embarrass myself in front of friends, I jumped into the car and sped away. After seven hours, he was dead from suffocation caused by poison.

Garry Hoi
He tried to prove that the window of his office on the 24th floor - unbreakable.
Hoi Garry was a lawyer from Toronto, he once publicly stated that his office window made of safety glass. Of course, no one believed him. And to prove his provotu, Harry took a run and jumped out the window. Of course, the glass breaks and the lawyer flew to his death, cursing the moment when he decided to prove his case so unusual way.
3rd place

Jeff Dailey and Peter Burkowski
They wanted to prove that video games can be played forever.
Jeff Dailey and Peter Burkowski were teenagers aged 19 and 18, respectively. They are very fond of then popular game «Berzerk»
At Jeff and Peter had a huge passion for this game, which is bordered on the dangerous obsession. Fatal obsessions.
Either way, day after day, they set new records, to prove to everyone - who is the undisputed champion in the game «Berzerk».
In 1981, Jeff Dailey died of a heart attack after setting a new record of 16,660 points. A year later, Peter Burkowski set a new record, and died of a heart attack soon.
In fact, they both died from the extreme exhaustion of the vascular and nervous systems, which did not survive the huge loads.

And in 2005 they surpassed yuzhnokoreets Lee Seung Seop, who died after 50 hours of play Starcraft.
2nd place

Jennifer Strange
Jennifer Strange was a 28-year-old woman and mother of three, from California. As far as we know, she lived a perfectly normal life, until she got the chance to win a Nintendo console Wii. Then this game is just appeared and parents lined up at midnight to buy it.
In 2007, the radio station KDND start of competition in which the prize was a console Wii. According to the contest, they had to drink as much fluid, without going to the toilet. Jennifer Strange knew immediately that this was her chance.
She umrela the so-called "water intoxication", which occurs when the body accumulates so much fluid that starts an irreversible reaction in the cerebral cortex.
1st place

Christopher McCandless - this man takes the first place in the hit parade of people perished, trying to prove his pravilnoyst (mostly stupid) ideas.
What was he trying to prove? The fact that he, a white man with a university-educated, do not need the comfort of civilized life, so it. He does not need the fruits of civilization as such.
His method? Each of us probably have thoughts to drop everything and start over. Someone, as did Stas Kulesh, went to other countries. Somebody stop the fear that the new site World of Warcraft subscription will stop working. Christopher McCandless decided, well, to hell - left the family, comfort and reached Alaska. Almost without food and completely without equipment, simultaneously cursing "emptiness materialistic American society." He began with what remains of parental money donated to some charitable foundation, and in 1990 went to the north. Sometimes the stop and moonlighting, sometimes fed pasture, anyway, bad and the frozen Ranger took his galley. Christopher, calling himself Alex and asked him to throw before the start of the mountain trails used once the miners. Somewhere in the distance, our hero found thrown back in the forties bus, and settled there.
Five months later, he died of starvation. The note, found nearby, Alex was again Chris and sincerely asked for help of those who find it.
What's he got to prove? That corrupt capitalist society which he so fervently accused of unrighteousness - was thus the only thing that kept him afloat. "If this man were even a compass with a map, he would have survived." - Ranger Gallie said later.
- www.cracked.com