Wholesale Tips
Do you know how to avoid police checks on the streets of major cities * kodilery? Do not even imagine! They move with a large bouquet of flowers. A completely illogical and incomprehensible reasons, the police usually do not usually stop people with bouquets!
How quickly and easily sleep:
Lie on your back, stretch out, relax the whole body. Close your eyes and under the closed eyelids to roll his eyeballs upward. This is the normal state of the eyes during sleep. By adopting this position, the person falls asleep quickly, easily and deeply. If you believe Viktor Suvorov, this technique for decades taught the GRU.
How to learn to get up early:
Wake up at the same time, an alarm clock, and sleep when tired. There are two approaches to sleep. First - go to bed and get up at the same time. The second - to sleep when tired and wake up when enough sleep. To learn how to be an early riser, you need to summarize these two approaches. This method in particular makes sleep less than usual in fact one does not need as much sleep. How to wash away with the smell of garlic and fish:
With the help of any object made of stainless steel: use it as an ordinary piece of soap. There is a special steel soap, but ordinary spoon works the same way.
How to cheat traffic cop tube:
Drug experts say that a few deep breaths before testing can save the day: the blood alcohol content is determined indirectly by the concentration of alcohol in the breath. Similar way: exhale slowly past the tubes sharply inhale and exhale into a tube.
How to achieve the desired document signing:
Professional lawyers trick: any agreement must fit on one page - albeit without spaces, without gaps, small pins. Works with any memoranda, explanatory, etc.
As shown drunk:
Usually everyone is trying to portray literally drunk: inconsistent speech, staggering gait, etc. Much more efficient way - try to portray a very, very sober person. Which very slowly and carefully moving, controlling every move and every word. This game looks much more plausible.
How to remember what is remembered:
If you can not remember, say, how old was the child buddy, you just have to imagine how it could be. Tell random. Very often in such a situation the brain relaxes and slips right answer, which is simply stuck somewhere. The method described by Freud.
How not to miss errors in the text:
With too quick proof read brain starts itself to correct errors. Experienced correctors in this case read the text from the bottom up so attention switches from context on individual words and phrases, and care increases.
How to order a drink at a crowded bar:
The main thing - to reach out through the crowd to the bar and to cling to it. Imagine that you need to hoist the flag on the counter. The rest - a trick: squeeze, to strengthen, to attract the attention of the bartender, clearly shout an order, showing the fingers, how many ("Two beers!"). Keep out of the hands of a couple of notes.
How to deal with airport staff:
If an urgent need to solve some problem (say, rebook canceled flights), and not just create is always easier to call on his mobile to the airline than to stand in line to the clerk-representative: at least because hotline staffed by several operators.
How not to poison in restaurants:
- New York chef Anthony Bourdain advised to be suspicious of "special offers" and "Cooking with Chef ': it can be a convenient way to dispose of unsold products.
- Carefully eating in restaurants, where few visitors. In refrigerators these restaurants has accumulated a bunch of products with expiring. Rare cook resist the temptation to get rid of them in the first place.
- Leery of Sunday brunch: they can utilize all that is not eaten on Friday and Saturday. Shrimp salad - a graveyard of dead shrimp. Fish soaked in balsamic vinegar - it's the fish that we can not just fry on the grill. On Sunday, more than ever true vintage Cook saying: "The sauce hides a thousand sins."
- Do not order fish on Monday, even in cities with vigorous fish markets it will, most likely, the fish that was ordered on Thursday and not eaten over the weekend. All this time she was in the fridge, which opens every two minutes.
- Fish vendors almost never bought swordfish: unlike their clients they saw the three-meter worms that live in it.
- In Moscow, the fish comes on Wednesdays and Saturdays. These days, in particular, the major parties come to La MarGe, the main supplier of fish capital. Therefore, these are the best days to order sushi and sashimi. Salmon from Scotland comes on Tuesdays and Fridays, but you can easily order and on other days: salmon stored longer and better than any other fish.
As smaller stand in line:
Usually at box office: in the most distant and hard-to-cash usually costs less than all the people. Not always, but often works in "McDonald's", supermarkets and at passport control.
How to wash the ashtray:
Pre-treat their furniture polish.
How to cut onions without tears:
- Put the onion for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Volatile disulfides, creating the characteristic smell of onions and propantial, which causes tears will not stand out so much when cutting.
- Moisten the knife with cold water.
- Put a candle near: volatile compounds will be attracted to the flame. You can also put beside a pot of boiling water (if they attract couples) or fan - to drive them to the side.
- Chewing gum while cutting.
How to fight off stray dogs:
With the help of three percent solution of ammonia in a plastic bottle or squirt gun. Unlike with pepper spray always fires: the dog for half an hour-hour disoriented, especially if you can get a jet in the nose. This method traditionally used postmen.
What strikes the most effective in the fight:
- Remember the formula "eyes and throat groin." In the groin to beat this: lift the leg up to 90 degrees, and then abruptly straighten the knee. In the throat - this is the Adam's apple, phalanges. In the eyes - finger poke. Use the materials at hand: anything with them (keys, umbrellas, pens, lighters, bag, book) on itself (jacket, belt), next (sticks, stones). Half-empty plastic bottle with cola can become a serious weapon.
- Hand over his ears. Difficult enough punch - relatively easy to be blocked, but if you get there, 15 seconds a person generally will not understand what is happening.
- Blow your nose - for 3-5 seconds confuses the enemy.
- Beat the forehead to nose (aka "Warsaw"). Often after a fight immediately ends. Typically, a fractured nose.
- Elbow to the temple or jaw. Applied tangentially (as if urgently needed to scratch his back), then immediately back - again, in the nose. Also effective in melee knees.
- Kick the shin. Very painful, especially if you boot with a strong nose.
- Kicking the top down on the foot. The enemy bent reflexively, then you need to finish a combination of knee strike to the nose.
How to separate fighting dogs:
- Do not attempt to separate slaps or punches: fight breaks out even more. Do not wave your hands in front of the dog's nose: it is dangerous.
- Especially do not try to take away the collar: can be bitten own dog.
- The most proven way: both dog owners and dogs abruptly pulled over his hind legs, tearing them off the ground. Dogs lose their balance and release each other.
- More effective: hands cross over, grab the dog by the hind legs and lifting, to turn back. Belly is unprotected, and the payload of the dog jaw.
- Draped over the dogs coat or pour water. This can be done alone. Puppies for the same purpose are thrown into a snowdrift.
- If the fight is not yet erupted, you can try, if not scary to stand between dogs.
- To let go of the jaw - click on the Adam's apple, blocking breathing.
- Throw a cat fight in the center - said work.
How to respond when a dog attacks you:
When a dog runs - priset on his heels. The animal works program - was great - decreased, so preparing for the attack. The defender, on the contrary, will try to show more. And if the goal itself goes on the attack, it is better not to go to her. 99% of the dog there also stop and maksisimum possessing. This technique used by special forces soldiers.

How quickly and easily sleep:
Lie on your back, stretch out, relax the whole body. Close your eyes and under the closed eyelids to roll his eyeballs upward. This is the normal state of the eyes during sleep. By adopting this position, the person falls asleep quickly, easily and deeply. If you believe Viktor Suvorov, this technique for decades taught the GRU.
How to learn to get up early:
Wake up at the same time, an alarm clock, and sleep when tired. There are two approaches to sleep. First - go to bed and get up at the same time. The second - to sleep when tired and wake up when enough sleep. To learn how to be an early riser, you need to summarize these two approaches. This method in particular makes sleep less than usual in fact one does not need as much sleep. How to wash away with the smell of garlic and fish:
With the help of any object made of stainless steel: use it as an ordinary piece of soap. There is a special steel soap, but ordinary spoon works the same way.
How to cheat traffic cop tube:
Drug experts say that a few deep breaths before testing can save the day: the blood alcohol content is determined indirectly by the concentration of alcohol in the breath. Similar way: exhale slowly past the tubes sharply inhale and exhale into a tube.
How to achieve the desired document signing:
Professional lawyers trick: any agreement must fit on one page - albeit without spaces, without gaps, small pins. Works with any memoranda, explanatory, etc.
As shown drunk:
Usually everyone is trying to portray literally drunk: inconsistent speech, staggering gait, etc. Much more efficient way - try to portray a very, very sober person. Which very slowly and carefully moving, controlling every move and every word. This game looks much more plausible.
How to remember what is remembered:
If you can not remember, say, how old was the child buddy, you just have to imagine how it could be. Tell random. Very often in such a situation the brain relaxes and slips right answer, which is simply stuck somewhere. The method described by Freud.
How not to miss errors in the text:
With too quick proof read brain starts itself to correct errors. Experienced correctors in this case read the text from the bottom up so attention switches from context on individual words and phrases, and care increases.
How to order a drink at a crowded bar:
The main thing - to reach out through the crowd to the bar and to cling to it. Imagine that you need to hoist the flag on the counter. The rest - a trick: squeeze, to strengthen, to attract the attention of the bartender, clearly shout an order, showing the fingers, how many ("Two beers!"). Keep out of the hands of a couple of notes.
How to deal with airport staff:
If an urgent need to solve some problem (say, rebook canceled flights), and not just create is always easier to call on his mobile to the airline than to stand in line to the clerk-representative: at least because hotline staffed by several operators.
How not to poison in restaurants:
- New York chef Anthony Bourdain advised to be suspicious of "special offers" and "Cooking with Chef ': it can be a convenient way to dispose of unsold products.
- Carefully eating in restaurants, where few visitors. In refrigerators these restaurants has accumulated a bunch of products with expiring. Rare cook resist the temptation to get rid of them in the first place.
- Leery of Sunday brunch: they can utilize all that is not eaten on Friday and Saturday. Shrimp salad - a graveyard of dead shrimp. Fish soaked in balsamic vinegar - it's the fish that we can not just fry on the grill. On Sunday, more than ever true vintage Cook saying: "The sauce hides a thousand sins."
- Do not order fish on Monday, even in cities with vigorous fish markets it will, most likely, the fish that was ordered on Thursday and not eaten over the weekend. All this time she was in the fridge, which opens every two minutes.
- Fish vendors almost never bought swordfish: unlike their clients they saw the three-meter worms that live in it.
- In Moscow, the fish comes on Wednesdays and Saturdays. These days, in particular, the major parties come to La MarGe, the main supplier of fish capital. Therefore, these are the best days to order sushi and sashimi. Salmon from Scotland comes on Tuesdays and Fridays, but you can easily order and on other days: salmon stored longer and better than any other fish.
As smaller stand in line:
Usually at box office: in the most distant and hard-to-cash usually costs less than all the people. Not always, but often works in "McDonald's", supermarkets and at passport control.
How to wash the ashtray:
Pre-treat their furniture polish.
How to cut onions without tears:
- Put the onion for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Volatile disulfides, creating the characteristic smell of onions and propantial, which causes tears will not stand out so much when cutting.
- Moisten the knife with cold water.
- Put a candle near: volatile compounds will be attracted to the flame. You can also put beside a pot of boiling water (if they attract couples) or fan - to drive them to the side.
- Chewing gum while cutting.
How to fight off stray dogs:
With the help of three percent solution of ammonia in a plastic bottle or squirt gun. Unlike with pepper spray always fires: the dog for half an hour-hour disoriented, especially if you can get a jet in the nose. This method traditionally used postmen.
What strikes the most effective in the fight:
- Remember the formula "eyes and throat groin." In the groin to beat this: lift the leg up to 90 degrees, and then abruptly straighten the knee. In the throat - this is the Adam's apple, phalanges. In the eyes - finger poke. Use the materials at hand: anything with them (keys, umbrellas, pens, lighters, bag, book) on itself (jacket, belt), next (sticks, stones). Half-empty plastic bottle with cola can become a serious weapon.
- Hand over his ears. Difficult enough punch - relatively easy to be blocked, but if you get there, 15 seconds a person generally will not understand what is happening.
- Blow your nose - for 3-5 seconds confuses the enemy.
- Beat the forehead to nose (aka "Warsaw"). Often after a fight immediately ends. Typically, a fractured nose.
- Elbow to the temple or jaw. Applied tangentially (as if urgently needed to scratch his back), then immediately back - again, in the nose. Also effective in melee knees.
- Kick the shin. Very painful, especially if you boot with a strong nose.
- Kicking the top down on the foot. The enemy bent reflexively, then you need to finish a combination of knee strike to the nose.
How to separate fighting dogs:
- Do not attempt to separate slaps or punches: fight breaks out even more. Do not wave your hands in front of the dog's nose: it is dangerous.
- Especially do not try to take away the collar: can be bitten own dog.
- The most proven way: both dog owners and dogs abruptly pulled over his hind legs, tearing them off the ground. Dogs lose their balance and release each other.
- More effective: hands cross over, grab the dog by the hind legs and lifting, to turn back. Belly is unprotected, and the payload of the dog jaw.
- Draped over the dogs coat or pour water. This can be done alone. Puppies for the same purpose are thrown into a snowdrift.
- If the fight is not yet erupted, you can try, if not scary to stand between dogs.
- To let go of the jaw - click on the Adam's apple, blocking breathing.
- Throw a cat fight in the center - said work.
How to respond when a dog attacks you:
When a dog runs - priset on his heels. The animal works program - was great - decreased, so preparing for the attack. The defender, on the contrary, will try to show more. And if the goal itself goes on the attack, it is better not to go to her. 99% of the dog there also stop and maksisimum possessing. This technique used by special forces soldiers.
Bear Hunt (4 photos)
Interesting photos - things that people took with them at the time of the fire.