100 bodily facts
Hundreds of the most interesting facts about the human body
001 You can not sneeze with your eyes open.
002 in your mouth as much bacteria, how many people inhabit planet Earth. And maybe even more!
003 Your hair can withstand the weight of an apple. Dimensions apple scientists do not specify.
004 imprint your language - is absolutely unique, remember this when showing his bad people!
005 By the way, the language, the strongest muscle in your body. And not what you thought proudly.
006 The inner shell of your stomach is updated every three days.
007 trehsotstranichnuyu you read the book - so your eyes overcame a distance of 1 km!
008 In the morning you are always higher than in the evening - because the spine when walking under the weight of the body is compressed, and at night - straightened.
009 In your digestive system so much acid that it can help to easily digest iron nail. However, do not recommend experimenting - just take my word!
010 If you stop shaving, then grow a beard at 9 meters.
011 you make about 23,000 breaths per day.
012 Your brain gets easier every year - to the extent that, as you age.
013 The average time during which a person falls asleep - 7 min.
014 The liver breaks down alcohol most active between 18 and 20 hours.
015 There are not four, and twenty-nine blood groups. The rarest of them belong to the subgroup of Bombay - she meets a group of families in Japan.
016 Much of your brain is made up of water.
017 In boys, the language much less taste buds than in girls. So we all pour ketchup and mayonnaise - and do not take offense to it.
018 During the night you dream of at least seven dreams.
019 your hair (the ones on the head) live from 4 to 6 years.
020 your ears - like most people - grow throughout life with a terrible speed - a quarter of a millimeter per year.
022 Half of the volume of your ... uh ... faeces - bacteria.
You produce about 023 liters of saliva a day.
024 Some of scientists believe that saliva, which you have developed in the course of life, it is possible to fill two swimming pools. And saliva of these scientists, of course, too!
025 nails on your hands grow four times faster than on your feet well.
026 In one day your blood overcomes distance of 19,312 kilometers
027 Every 20th person there is an additional edge.
028 During the day you release about a liter of gas, and in two variations - with the help of burping or via bunch. We are all in a scientific way!
029 All your skin weighs about three pounds. Do not ask where scientists know about it!
030 When you kiss your girl, the chances of contracting some muck you much more than during the friendly kisses with his beloved dog. The dog in the mouth - less dangerous bacteria. But kissing a nice girl!
031 White patches on the tongue, which you can see in the morning - the dead cells for the night.
033 The size of your heart is about the size of your fist.
034 Speed messages that come into your brain - 360 km / h!
035 your eyes takes about an hour to get used to the dark. After that, the eyes become a hundred thousand times more sensitive to light.
036 Your girl blink twice as often as you.
037 Putting the eyelashes that you've lost in my life and put them in a chain, it will be no less than thirty meters.
037 Your heart throughout the year makes 35 million strokes
038 In hair smart people - far more minerals zinc and copper in their hair than fools.
039 Every day you lose two billion skin cells every year - 2 kilograms. And my mother still wonders why you lost weight!
040 At blinking spent about five years of life. Fortunately, at the same time with Morgan can do even much more.
041 The ability of man is inedible items such as: swords, stones, spoons, and so on. D, called polyphagia. Small items out of the body along with the feces, and large remain until the start bother the owner.
042 True sword-swallower actually swallow swords - prove it x-rays. The length of the sword - about 62 cm.
043 Scientists warn that most diets for weight loss can reduce your life for a few years, but you can easily lose weight, head in his body pets - worms.
044 is fond of starvation? A good thing, but not fast more than one day - otherwise ensure yourself permanent headaches, weakness and lethargy. Moreover, fasting is harmful for diabetics and cores.
045 can differentiate up to 10 million different colors. Just do not want to remember all these names.
046 World record for holding breath - 7, 5 minutes. Most people are not able to breathe just a minute.
047 Ancient Egyptian Aesculapius used to treat patients with droppings and urine pelicans hippos, and ancient Greek doctor did syringes from the bladder of animals and ptichh feathers.
048 If you nightmares at night, you may be freezing in a dream. Scientific fact - colder than in the bedroom, the greater the chance of seeing a bad dream.
049 Once you have a simple cell - at the beginning of pregnancy, your mom. Cellular existence lasted about 30 minutes. And then there were all these tubes, problems, taxes ...
050 During sneezing all processes in your body for a second stop.
051 During the day you select about a liter of bile.
052 You can not sleep for ten days - then nothing good will. A person deprived of sleep for a long time, suffering from hallucinations and convulsions, then dies in agony. Such cases.
053 Your stomach can hold about four liters of partially digested food.
054 You can not believe it, but the web is really stops the bleeding. It is a pity that it is not always there.
055 Length of your intestines - 9 meters. That's what it is necessary to measure!
056 Approximately ten percent of the world's population - left-handed.
057 Boys left-handed found in 1, 5 times more likely to girls lefties.
058 If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for a year you drink about half a cup of resin.
059 Length of hair, you can theoretically grow throughout life - 725 km.
060 If you are running a smile once 17 facial muscles. When crying - 43. Do not cry! And then siphon.
061 You were born without kneecaps - like all children. Calyx appear only 2-6 years.
062 in your brain for a moment occurs 100,000 chemical reactions.
Each finger 063 over a lifetime of about 25 million flexes again.
064 The propagation speed of your sneeze - 161 km / h.
065 Your heart weighs 220-260 g
066 Your brain generates during the day much more electrical impulses than all the phones in the world.
067 You have 2 million sweat glands. 0
68 per liter of sweat you lose 540 calories.
069 In general, men perspire 40% more than women.
070 You have blue eyes? So you are more sensitive to pain compared to those who are not blue.
071 As a part of your body's four mineral - apatite, calcite, aragonite and cristobalite.
With 072 hit his head on the wall lost about 150 calories per hour. Here it is - the most reliable way to lose weight!
A 073 sq cm of your skin holds about a hundred pain points.
With 074 hit his head on the wall lost about 150 calories per hour. Here it is - the most reliable way to lose weight!
075 99% of the calcium in the body is in the mouth.
At 076 your teeth enamel hardness can be compared with quartz.
During the 077 days of your body can allocate as much heat as is enough to boil 30 liters of cold water. And let the hot water is turned off, as they want!
078 Twenty years of sixty you spend in a dream. Life is a dream!
079 in either the hair 5000 times thicker than the bubble 20 and the web again.
080 Your fingerprints were generated on the 3rd month of development in the womb.
081 Your navel is scientifically called umbilikus. Excellent nickname for the cat, by the way. Giving.
082 your fat enough for seven bars of soap. As a minimum. Plus we even water can be heated! Simply bath and laundry complex of some sort.
083 Among the various phobias that suffer with you our contemporaries, meet regularly papafobiya (fear of the Pope) and partenofobiya (fear of virgins). Do not even know what's worse!
084 In your DNA contains about 80,000 genes.
085 The total length of the nerves in our body - 75 km.
086 Obese women are born smart kids. So disable girlfriend banging your head against the wall!
088 The most common food allergies in the world - are allergic to cow's milk.
089 Life took half of humanity tropical malaria.
090 Laughter reduces allergic reactions. It is a pity that when we have an allergy, we tend not to laugh!
091 For the digestion of food the stomach uses hydrochloric acid.
092 Your ears and nose grow throughout life.
093 The skin on your eyelids - thick 0, 5 mm as hair.
094 Do you remember the events of seven times faster than they actually happened.
095 in your body contains as much chlorine, how much is enough for disinfection five swimming pools (two of which appear to be filled with your own saliva).
Temperature ears 096 always lower than body temperature at 1, 5-2 degrees.
097 The growth of your hair and nails are most actively from 16 to 18-00.
098 5 mm per minute - the maximum speed of the sperm.
099,200 million sperm ejaculate contains male Homo sapiens.
100 mm 2-3 - approximate volume of a single portion of sperm.

001 You can not sneeze with your eyes open.
002 in your mouth as much bacteria, how many people inhabit planet Earth. And maybe even more!
003 Your hair can withstand the weight of an apple. Dimensions apple scientists do not specify.
004 imprint your language - is absolutely unique, remember this when showing his bad people!
005 By the way, the language, the strongest muscle in your body. And not what you thought proudly.
006 The inner shell of your stomach is updated every three days.
007 trehsotstranichnuyu you read the book - so your eyes overcame a distance of 1 km!
008 In the morning you are always higher than in the evening - because the spine when walking under the weight of the body is compressed, and at night - straightened.
009 In your digestive system so much acid that it can help to easily digest iron nail. However, do not recommend experimenting - just take my word!
010 If you stop shaving, then grow a beard at 9 meters.
011 you make about 23,000 breaths per day.
012 Your brain gets easier every year - to the extent that, as you age.
013 The average time during which a person falls asleep - 7 min.
014 The liver breaks down alcohol most active between 18 and 20 hours.
015 There are not four, and twenty-nine blood groups. The rarest of them belong to the subgroup of Bombay - she meets a group of families in Japan.
016 Much of your brain is made up of water.
017 In boys, the language much less taste buds than in girls. So we all pour ketchup and mayonnaise - and do not take offense to it.
018 During the night you dream of at least seven dreams.
019 your hair (the ones on the head) live from 4 to 6 years.
020 your ears - like most people - grow throughout life with a terrible speed - a quarter of a millimeter per year.
022 Half of the volume of your ... uh ... faeces - bacteria.
You produce about 023 liters of saliva a day.
024 Some of scientists believe that saliva, which you have developed in the course of life, it is possible to fill two swimming pools. And saliva of these scientists, of course, too!
025 nails on your hands grow four times faster than on your feet well.
026 In one day your blood overcomes distance of 19,312 kilometers
027 Every 20th person there is an additional edge.
028 During the day you release about a liter of gas, and in two variations - with the help of burping or via bunch. We are all in a scientific way!
029 All your skin weighs about three pounds. Do not ask where scientists know about it!
030 When you kiss your girl, the chances of contracting some muck you much more than during the friendly kisses with his beloved dog. The dog in the mouth - less dangerous bacteria. But kissing a nice girl!
031 White patches on the tongue, which you can see in the morning - the dead cells for the night.
033 The size of your heart is about the size of your fist.
034 Speed messages that come into your brain - 360 km / h!
035 your eyes takes about an hour to get used to the dark. After that, the eyes become a hundred thousand times more sensitive to light.
036 Your girl blink twice as often as you.
037 Putting the eyelashes that you've lost in my life and put them in a chain, it will be no less than thirty meters.
037 Your heart throughout the year makes 35 million strokes
038 In hair smart people - far more minerals zinc and copper in their hair than fools.
039 Every day you lose two billion skin cells every year - 2 kilograms. And my mother still wonders why you lost weight!
040 At blinking spent about five years of life. Fortunately, at the same time with Morgan can do even much more.
041 The ability of man is inedible items such as: swords, stones, spoons, and so on. D, called polyphagia. Small items out of the body along with the feces, and large remain until the start bother the owner.
042 True sword-swallower actually swallow swords - prove it x-rays. The length of the sword - about 62 cm.
043 Scientists warn that most diets for weight loss can reduce your life for a few years, but you can easily lose weight, head in his body pets - worms.
044 is fond of starvation? A good thing, but not fast more than one day - otherwise ensure yourself permanent headaches, weakness and lethargy. Moreover, fasting is harmful for diabetics and cores.
045 can differentiate up to 10 million different colors. Just do not want to remember all these names.
046 World record for holding breath - 7, 5 minutes. Most people are not able to breathe just a minute.
047 Ancient Egyptian Aesculapius used to treat patients with droppings and urine pelicans hippos, and ancient Greek doctor did syringes from the bladder of animals and ptichh feathers.
048 If you nightmares at night, you may be freezing in a dream. Scientific fact - colder than in the bedroom, the greater the chance of seeing a bad dream.
049 Once you have a simple cell - at the beginning of pregnancy, your mom. Cellular existence lasted about 30 minutes. And then there were all these tubes, problems, taxes ...
050 During sneezing all processes in your body for a second stop.
051 During the day you select about a liter of bile.
052 You can not sleep for ten days - then nothing good will. A person deprived of sleep for a long time, suffering from hallucinations and convulsions, then dies in agony. Such cases.
053 Your stomach can hold about four liters of partially digested food.
054 You can not believe it, but the web is really stops the bleeding. It is a pity that it is not always there.
055 Length of your intestines - 9 meters. That's what it is necessary to measure!
056 Approximately ten percent of the world's population - left-handed.
057 Boys left-handed found in 1, 5 times more likely to girls lefties.
058 If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for a year you drink about half a cup of resin.
059 Length of hair, you can theoretically grow throughout life - 725 km.
060 If you are running a smile once 17 facial muscles. When crying - 43. Do not cry! And then siphon.
061 You were born without kneecaps - like all children. Calyx appear only 2-6 years.
062 in your brain for a moment occurs 100,000 chemical reactions.
Each finger 063 over a lifetime of about 25 million flexes again.
064 The propagation speed of your sneeze - 161 km / h.
065 Your heart weighs 220-260 g
066 Your brain generates during the day much more electrical impulses than all the phones in the world.
067 You have 2 million sweat glands. 0
68 per liter of sweat you lose 540 calories.
069 In general, men perspire 40% more than women.
070 You have blue eyes? So you are more sensitive to pain compared to those who are not blue.
071 As a part of your body's four mineral - apatite, calcite, aragonite and cristobalite.
With 072 hit his head on the wall lost about 150 calories per hour. Here it is - the most reliable way to lose weight!
A 073 sq cm of your skin holds about a hundred pain points.
With 074 hit his head on the wall lost about 150 calories per hour. Here it is - the most reliable way to lose weight!
075 99% of the calcium in the body is in the mouth.
At 076 your teeth enamel hardness can be compared with quartz.
During the 077 days of your body can allocate as much heat as is enough to boil 30 liters of cold water. And let the hot water is turned off, as they want!
078 Twenty years of sixty you spend in a dream. Life is a dream!
079 in either the hair 5000 times thicker than the bubble 20 and the web again.
080 Your fingerprints were generated on the 3rd month of development in the womb.
081 Your navel is scientifically called umbilikus. Excellent nickname for the cat, by the way. Giving.
082 your fat enough for seven bars of soap. As a minimum. Plus we even water can be heated! Simply bath and laundry complex of some sort.
083 Among the various phobias that suffer with you our contemporaries, meet regularly papafobiya (fear of the Pope) and partenofobiya (fear of virgins). Do not even know what's worse!
084 In your DNA contains about 80,000 genes.
085 The total length of the nerves in our body - 75 km.
086 Obese women are born smart kids. So disable girlfriend banging your head against the wall!
088 The most common food allergies in the world - are allergic to cow's milk.
089 Life took half of humanity tropical malaria.
090 Laughter reduces allergic reactions. It is a pity that when we have an allergy, we tend not to laugh!
091 For the digestion of food the stomach uses hydrochloric acid.
092 Your ears and nose grow throughout life.
093 The skin on your eyelids - thick 0, 5 mm as hair.
094 Do you remember the events of seven times faster than they actually happened.
095 in your body contains as much chlorine, how much is enough for disinfection five swimming pools (two of which appear to be filled with your own saliva).
Temperature ears 096 always lower than body temperature at 1, 5-2 degrees.
097 The growth of your hair and nails are most actively from 16 to 18-00.
098 5 mm per minute - the maximum speed of the sperm.
099,200 million sperm ejaculate contains male Homo sapiens.
100 mm 2-3 - approximate volume of a single portion of sperm.
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