On the aunt in pink.
- We are in a report from the Louvre. As passed before, now "Mona Lisa" is located in the new building, the storage conditions which fully correspond strebovaniyam save rarities. Just today, the day of space exploration, a group of tourists from the CIS decided to visit izvestnuyshuyu gallery.
Included crowd fidoshnoy badges and blue T-shirts with the goats and the words "Suck dick" stylized logo «Coca-Cola».
- And that's the way they - aunt turns to the crowd.
From dissonant rows audible whisper, "Oh, kitty cookie", "And she will boobs?" "Glumurno!" - Lord, let me congratulate you and poprivetsvovat with the opportunity to see firsthand the creation of DaVinci.
The camera turns around and see the close-up portrait of the Madonna of the glass. Behind the scenes I heard growing whispers "Bojan !!" and some vozlasy "Køge / AEM", "Ana norkomanko galleries, Suco ?!", "it was a year ago."
The camera turns to the reporter aunt and slowly rising from the chest to face ostanavlivaetsya. It is seen as an aunt knocks on the ear, which is a tiny earphone wiring.
- Today, in this hall were large numbers of people from different countries, so we hooked up the translator, Courtyard surrounds tells us that visitors are enthusiastic and appreciated the creation of the master of dignity, despite the fact that the vast majority of them are familiar with the portrait of reproductions, mystery smile Mona Lisa, never ceases to excite the imagination.
Voice-over: "The subject is not disclosed boobs!".
The camera slid over the heads of visitors grabs the face of the Madonna close-up.
- By the way, today we can also assess the work of our employees, it never ceases to amaze how they managed to keep the picture as well.
Voice-over, "we fucking Nahuas so zafotoshopleno-ta?»
The camera jumps pimpled young man's face, hear the cry of "First nah !!!" and the crash of a falling body.
- We are in a report from the Louvre. As passed before, now "Mona Lisa" is located in the new building, the storage conditions which fully correspond strebovaniyam save rarities. Just today, the day of space exploration, a group of tourists from the CIS decided to visit izvestnuyshuyu gallery.
Included crowd fidoshnoy badges and blue T-shirts with the goats and the words "Suck dick" stylized logo «Coca-Cola».
- And that's the way they - aunt turns to the crowd.
From dissonant rows audible whisper, "Oh, kitty cookie", "And she will boobs?" "Glumurno!" - Lord, let me congratulate you and poprivetsvovat with the opportunity to see firsthand the creation of DaVinci.
The camera turns around and see the close-up portrait of the Madonna of the glass. Behind the scenes I heard growing whispers "Bojan !!" and some vozlasy "Køge / AEM", "Ana norkomanko galleries, Suco ?!", "it was a year ago."
The camera turns to the reporter aunt and slowly rising from the chest to face ostanavlivaetsya. It is seen as an aunt knocks on the ear, which is a tiny earphone wiring.
- Today, in this hall were large numbers of people from different countries, so we hooked up the translator, Courtyard surrounds tells us that visitors are enthusiastic and appreciated the creation of the master of dignity, despite the fact that the vast majority of them are familiar with the portrait of reproductions, mystery smile Mona Lisa, never ceases to excite the imagination.
Voice-over: "The subject is not disclosed boobs!".
The camera slid over the heads of visitors grabs the face of the Madonna close-up.
- By the way, today we can also assess the work of our employees, it never ceases to amaze how they managed to keep the picture as well.
Voice-over, "we fucking Nahuas so zafotoshopleno-ta?»
The camera jumps pimpled young man's face, hear the cry of "First nah !!!" and the crash of a falling body.