"Speckled Hen" on the Siberian dialect
Kladushka Ryaba.
Fatten dedunko and babonki. And there was ihnya kladushka Ryaba. Poklal kladushka yomyr and the yomyr not easy, but hit the jackpot. Dedunko Hrjapa, Hrjapa, it nicho not raskhryapil. Babonki Hrjapa, Hrjapa, it nicho not raskhryapila. Mouse danced, waved koyrykom, it yomyr fell and raskhryapilsya. Dedunko and babonki hnyuchut, kladushka kohchet: "Do not hnyuch, dedunko not hnyuch, babonki, very hard you yomyr another without Altyn, but simple.
Fatten dedunko and babonki. And there was ihnya kladushka Ryaba. Poklal kladushka yomyr and the yomyr not easy, but hit the jackpot. Dedunko Hrjapa, Hrjapa, it nicho not raskhryapil. Babonki Hrjapa, Hrjapa, it nicho not raskhryapila. Mouse danced, waved koyrykom, it yomyr fell and raskhryapilsya. Dedunko and babonki hnyuchut, kladushka kohchet: "Do not hnyuch, dedunko not hnyuch, babonki, very hard you yomyr another without Altyn, but simple.