The phenomenon called "atmospheric scattering."
All we can see that the sun is yellow or orange, but in fact, it is white. Yellow tone gives Sun a phenomenon called "atmospheric scattering».
The spectral class of the Sun - G2V, it is closer to the cold end of the main sequence, and belongs to a class of yellow dwarf. Most of the stars in the Milky Way - "red dwarfs" (relatively small and cold stars), and about 15% of stars in the galaxy brighter than our sun.
The sun revolves around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, making a complete revolution every 225 - 250 million years.
Light travels an average distance from Earth to the sun (150 million kilometers) for 8 minutes. For comparison, the next nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is located at a distance of 4 light-years ...
The Sun has a diameter of about 1,392,000 km (about 109 times the diameter of Earth). The mass of the sun is 98% of the mass of our solar system.
Between 1640 and 1700 the Sun did not have spots. This period is called the Maunder minimum, coincided with the "little ice age" - the common cold snap in the world when the river that never freezes, covered with ice and snow lay all year round at all latitudes. Currently, the Sun is at the peak of activity.
The minimum number of eclipses in a year - or two. Solar eclipse in the ode of the same area are rare, as the eclipse visible only in a narrow band Moon's shadow. At any particular point on the surface total solar eclipse observed an average of 1 every 200-300 years.
In Malta, the average length of daylight hours in the summer - 10 hours. In Samarkand - 15 hours in Stockholm - 18 hours, and in the Swedish city of Kiruna, located above the Arctic Circle - 24 hours. However, winter in Kiruna, the sun does not rise at all. By the way, the division of the day into 24 hours, we have borrowed from the history of the ancient Egyptian god of the sun of Ra, who spent midnight in a dark underworld, and the remaining 12 hours - in heaven.
300 sunny days a year in the case of Morocco, Nice, Brisbane (Australia), in Monte Carlo and in Ussuriysk ...
Every second, the Sun burns 700 billion. Tons of hydrogen. Despite such a huge rate of loss, solar energy will be enough for 5 billion. Years of this life (about the same age from the birth of the Sun). Ended his life sun white dwarf, after an increase in the size and alienating all the planets. On these planets, all the water will evaporate and disappear atmosphere.
According to research, cloudy for three days reduces the activity of the brain, and within a week - the general activity of the nervous system. The number of cases of depression in cloudy weather increased fourfold.