Scarecrow urchin

To scare the hedgehog, need
seriously this approach carefully prepare for this.
If you decide to scare hedgehogs, ask to start the geography of places where they are found. Make sure that no negative energy in these places. Assemble everything you need to timid urchin, namely tents, pot, wood, ax, compass, matches, kerosene, ointment mosquito, fishing rods, fishing line, speakers from the computer, scary masks, gun, ammo, hammer, hand grenades, pillow-doomku Chinese bells, and, most importantly, what you are actually going to scare the hedgehog.
The scare?
Traditionally hedgehog usually scare bare ass. However, this method, for all its apparent simplicity, is quite complex and requires considerable skill. So let's talk about it later, but now pay attention to modern methods of Puglia.
Frightening terrible cry
So, the most popular of the new-fangled methods of frightening the hedgehog is a frightening terrible cry. To scare the hedgehog terrible cry, potreneruytes to start scaring someone else, for example, go outside at 3am, spryachtes in the dark and wait for the company to be held by Gopnik. Scary ZAOr. If Gopnik done full pants odorous manure - you can safely go scare the hedgehog. If Gopnik does not scare you - give them money and valuables, and practice more.
If you think you can scare the hedgehog has a terrible cry, then you should go to the forest, to find there a hedgehog, and shout at him a terrible cry. If the hedgehog fear done a lot of excess weight on his (or your) own weight, Puglia failed naslavu.
Frightening scary masks
It is also a popular method of frightening scary masks. To do this you need a very scary mask. The difference from other methods, this method does not shy requires special training. Put a terrible mask, go into the woods, get out there and scare the hedgehog his terrible howl "Oo-oo-oo-oo." But remember: it is not a method of frightening scary howl "oo-oo-oo-oo" is a method of frightening scary masks !!! So you can not concentrate your particular attention to the howling and waving hands. And another important thing to remember, frightening terrible mask hedgehog: Frightening to not look at myself in the mirror if you have already put on the mask. This is necessary in order not to scare myself.
Frightening terrible howl "at-at»
Method frightening scary howl "Oo-oo-oo-oo." Frightening This method is quite complicated and requires some skill, so it is usually used only by experienced ёzhepugi. Try very scary howling, as do ghosts. Howl as long as do not be scared. If this effect is achieved - it is possible to change the pants and boldly go scare the hedgehog. Puglia terrible howl "oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo" - night frightening, so if you can scare himself by his own howl, it is better to use tight earphones, or hedgehog uchuet you the smell of manure, and shall not come on pugoeffektivnoe distance. This method is convenient because it does not require a release from the ambush, and puts you at risk of being gored tight rein. You can also record a terrible howl of "woo-oo-oo-oo" on CD, and arrange speakers throughout the forest - so you can for one night to scare the maximum possible number of urchins and passersby. The main thing to remember when using frightening hi-tech - Do not forget to take a break in the track with a howl that you had the opportunity to escape from the forest before your howling incur through dense thickets terrible, repeatedly amplified speakers.
Finally, as I promised
Frightening bare ass
This method is convenient because it does not require you spending much: all that is needed, given to you by nature - forest, hedgehog and ass. Go into the woods, get a hedgehog, show him your ass. If you do not feel in my ass pierced by a sharp pain in her hundreds of sharp needles - so frightened hedgehog, it's done. The method is simple, but equally and dangerous. Experienced ёzhepugi experienced the whole danger of this method on its own ass. Therefore, before Frightening, please be still bandage, plaster and good pliers to vydёrgivaniya spines of assholes.
Good luck to you Frightening!
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