Memories from the past ....
Caps and were bity.
and what was the coolest computer game? That's right, Prince of Persia))
and of course Mario ...
and remember Lizunov that left traces mainly on the ceiling?), and my mother swore strongly about it ...)
By the way, remember the transfer ??))
my favorite gum was like this ... just world!
which inserts just love encyclopedia)
and males ... sugar ... mmm..
and what we saw ...))))
Flintstones ....
and Fred Krueger)))
Of course, Santa Barbara! I was not looking but my ancestors get stuck for a long time before telecom))))
love at first sight ...
Beverly Hills 90210 ...
rush hour - every night, did not understand anything, but looked ...
and what we drank)
Cola Cao - champion among cocoa))))
but remember these bags ??? insanely delicious. from these "juices" language became that color strannogo
rainbow ..) such a cool thing was) we called Ponti)))
somebody survived this book?
in the 7th grade, it was all the rage), especially in winter, the white snow ... I often such a window svetili
and this screensaver has always scared me ..)
everyone loves mambo and Sergei too)
chip chip chip chip and dale to us in a hurry)
black cloak! just shout - he appears ..)
And finally ... most of us have been tamagochchi))))