After months of total submission command, the existence of rigid schedule in the strictest discipline, a man wakes up the natural desire for self-expression. To develop their artistic talents, stand out from the crowd of colleagues and brighten gray army weekdays pilots invented the so-called nose art - art design of the nose of the aircraft. In the post are a few amusing works from simple to very high quality. The names of the aircraft in a personal subjective translation, some very strange)
On the wings of an airplane inscription "The German people should be flying people. Hermann Goering »
"Enola Gay» Enola Gay - the proper name of the strategic bomber Boeing B-29 Superfortress US Army that dropped August 6, 1945 atomic bomb "Little Boy" (Eng. Little Boy) on the Japanese city of Hiroshima at the end of the Second World War. At the moment is in the National Air and Space Museum United States.
"Flying Tiger»
"The Devil himself»
Fucking babe & quot;
"Tailed Dragon»
"Time briefing»
"Glamorous Gal»
"Time for cocktails»
"Sentimental Journey»
"Teacher aces»
"Princess Leah»
"Mitch the Witch»
"Intensive ambulance»
"Miss Dolly»
On the wings of an airplane inscription "The German people should be flying people. Hermann Goering »
"Enola Gay» Enola Gay - the proper name of the strategic bomber Boeing B-29 Superfortress US Army that dropped August 6, 1945 atomic bomb "Little Boy" (Eng. Little Boy) on the Japanese city of Hiroshima at the end of the Second World War. At the moment is in the National Air and Space Museum United States.
"Flying Tiger»
"The Devil himself»
Fucking babe & quot;
"Tailed Dragon»
"Time briefing»
"Glamorous Gal»
"Time for cocktails»
"Sentimental Journey»
"Teacher aces»
"Princess Leah»
"Mitch the Witch»
"Intensive ambulance»
"Miss Dolly»