Technological disaster
On Saturday, October 9, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said about the dangers of a new spill of highly toxic waste from the aluminum smelter company Ajkai Timfoldgyar Zrt. He explained that the engineers surveyed a huge reservoir from which the previously leaked 1, 1 million cubic meters of toxic substances. Inspection revealed one major vessel wall cracks that "very likely" can lead to the destruction of the tank.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives interviews in the village Kolontár. (Balazs Mohai / AP)
József Tóth, an employee of the Hungarian environmental services, testing water samples from the river Raba river in the city of Gyor, 800 km from Budapest on October 7. Toxic waste from the sump aluminum plant reached the Danube River on Thursday, threatening pollution of the aquatic ecosystem in Europe. (Attila Kisbenedek / AFP - Getty Image)
The Hungarian Government has announced about the threat of complete destruction of a huge reservoir with toxic waste, which is at the beginning of the week there was a leak. Evacuated closest to the city state of emergency. Police asked residents of one town to collect suitcases. (Laszlo Balogh / Reuters)
On Google Maps it is clear that the reservoir is more like enclosed by a wall on all sides by the lake brick-red color. Its dimensions are approximately one kilometer by 600 meters. Two kilometers to the right - the city of Ajka. Kilometer to the left - a small town Kolontár, followed by another a couple of kilometers - Devecser city. Population Ike was taken out in the first few days after breaking the wall of the tank. Now the authorities have decided to urgently evacuate Kolontár. The population is 845 people. In the photo a local resident of the village Kolontár sitting in his garden, bathed in red mud. (Tamas Kovacs / EPA)
Military washed with mineral water eyes of his comrades who fell on the mucous caustic red mud. (Zsolt Szigetvary / EPA)
Sunflower field in the village bathed Shomlovasharhey poisonous liquid mass. The sludge resulting from the tanks spread over an area up to 40 square kilometers. (Tamas Kovacs / EPA)
Front loader Bulk plaster into the river in the Hungarian village of Marciana Vinar to neutralize toxic waste trapped in river water. (Tamas Kovacs / EPA)
Dead fish floating in the waters of the River Marchan. To reduce the high level of alkalinity of toxic waste, polluted tributaries of the Danube emergency services sprinkled gypsum and vinegar. As a result, managed to reach a relatively small level of pH, but the fish and algae in rivers died. (Attila Kisbenedek / AFP - Getty Images)
Local resident of the village Kolontár returned to the village to proverat condition of their homes. (Attila Kisbenedek / AFP - Getty Images)
Local resident goes to his court in the village Kolontár. By Saturday, the number of accident victims has increased from 4 to 7 people: died in hospital 81-year-old man suffered serious injuries and poisoning, as well as on the outskirts of Devecser were found the bodies of two people who are likely to have died from poisoning. (Bela Szandelszky / AP)
On the streets of three nearby villages to the reservoir is full of military and police. On Saturday before dawn they began to get home, demanding that the residents quickly gathered. For people were prepared buses. With him were allowed to take no more than 20 kilograms of luggage. (Balazs Mohai / EPA)
Aerial view of the village of Devecser. (Gyoergy Varga / EPA)
The dog runs around the red mud flooded areas on Tuesday, the second day after the spill waste. The disaster occurred at the aluminum plant in the afternoon on October 4. About 800 residents of the Hungarian town Kolontár again evacuated because of the threat of re-spill of highly toxic waste. At the smelter Ajkai Timfoldgyar burst huge reservoir with red mud - an insoluble precipitate, formed the production of alumina.
About 800 residents of the Hungarian town Kolontár again evacuated because of the threat of re-spill of highly toxic waste. Are highly toxic waste - they are full of caustic and heavy metals that can cause cancer, according to earlier Minister for Environment of Hungary Zoltan Ilesa. (Getty Images)
With the onset of warm and sunny weather liquid toxic substances may turn into dust and into the atmosphere. Thus, the number of neighboring states can suffer not only because of the contaminated water, but also because of the toxic dust into the air. (AP Photo / Bela Szandelszky)
On the eve of Hungary turned to the European Union with a request to engage civil protection mechanism to combat environmental catastrophe. The EU Commission has promised to provide assistance in the near future. (AP Photo / Bela Szandelszky)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives interviews in the village Kolontár. (Balazs Mohai / AP)

József Tóth, an employee of the Hungarian environmental services, testing water samples from the river Raba river in the city of Gyor, 800 km from Budapest on October 7. Toxic waste from the sump aluminum plant reached the Danube River on Thursday, threatening pollution of the aquatic ecosystem in Europe. (Attila Kisbenedek / AFP - Getty Image)

The Hungarian Government has announced about the threat of complete destruction of a huge reservoir with toxic waste, which is at the beginning of the week there was a leak. Evacuated closest to the city state of emergency. Police asked residents of one town to collect suitcases. (Laszlo Balogh / Reuters)

On Google Maps it is clear that the reservoir is more like enclosed by a wall on all sides by the lake brick-red color. Its dimensions are approximately one kilometer by 600 meters. Two kilometers to the right - the city of Ajka. Kilometer to the left - a small town Kolontár, followed by another a couple of kilometers - Devecser city. Population Ike was taken out in the first few days after breaking the wall of the tank. Now the authorities have decided to urgently evacuate Kolontár. The population is 845 people. In the photo a local resident of the village Kolontár sitting in his garden, bathed in red mud. (Tamas Kovacs / EPA)

Military washed with mineral water eyes of his comrades who fell on the mucous caustic red mud. (Zsolt Szigetvary / EPA)

Sunflower field in the village bathed Shomlovasharhey poisonous liquid mass. The sludge resulting from the tanks spread over an area up to 40 square kilometers. (Tamas Kovacs / EPA)

Front loader Bulk plaster into the river in the Hungarian village of Marciana Vinar to neutralize toxic waste trapped in river water. (Tamas Kovacs / EPA)

Dead fish floating in the waters of the River Marchan. To reduce the high level of alkalinity of toxic waste, polluted tributaries of the Danube emergency services sprinkled gypsum and vinegar. As a result, managed to reach a relatively small level of pH, but the fish and algae in rivers died. (Attila Kisbenedek / AFP - Getty Images)

Local resident of the village Kolontár returned to the village to proverat condition of their homes. (Attila Kisbenedek / AFP - Getty Images)

Local resident goes to his court in the village Kolontár. By Saturday, the number of accident victims has increased from 4 to 7 people: died in hospital 81-year-old man suffered serious injuries and poisoning, as well as on the outskirts of Devecser were found the bodies of two people who are likely to have died from poisoning. (Bela Szandelszky / AP)

On the streets of three nearby villages to the reservoir is full of military and police. On Saturday before dawn they began to get home, demanding that the residents quickly gathered. For people were prepared buses. With him were allowed to take no more than 20 kilograms of luggage. (Balazs Mohai / EPA)

Aerial view of the village of Devecser. (Gyoergy Varga / EPA)

The dog runs around the red mud flooded areas on Tuesday, the second day after the spill waste. The disaster occurred at the aluminum plant in the afternoon on October 4. About 800 residents of the Hungarian town Kolontár again evacuated because of the threat of re-spill of highly toxic waste. At the smelter Ajkai Timfoldgyar burst huge reservoir with red mud - an insoluble precipitate, formed the production of alumina.

About 800 residents of the Hungarian town Kolontár again evacuated because of the threat of re-spill of highly toxic waste. Are highly toxic waste - they are full of caustic and heavy metals that can cause cancer, according to earlier Minister for Environment of Hungary Zoltan Ilesa. (Getty Images)

With the onset of warm and sunny weather liquid toxic substances may turn into dust and into the atmosphere. Thus, the number of neighboring states can suffer not only because of the contaminated water, but also because of the toxic dust into the air. (AP Photo / Bela Szandelszky)

On the eve of Hungary turned to the European Union with a request to engage civil protection mechanism to combat environmental catastrophe. The EU Commission has promised to provide assistance in the near future. (AP Photo / Bela Szandelszky)