Volanomёt - a new word to disperse demonstrations
While fans of street fighting stocking pieces of asphalt on one of the capital works commissioned by the Ministry of Interior prepared "response to Chamberlain" - an armored car GAZ-2330 "Tiger" with a pneumatic gun. The working title of new items - "Volanomet." The fact that the "Tiger" shoot birdies resembling badminton.
The machine gun will fire at a rate of 60 per minute charges!
New weapons recently submitted a federal state institution of scientific and production association "Special equipment and communication" the Russian Interior Ministry. But he saw only a narrow circle of specialists.
- In 2009, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an open competition for the development of the installation, which could shoot thanks to compressed air - told "KP" one of the developers of the new weapon. - The barrel machine gun at a pressure of 300 atmospheres will "spit" flounces 60 min.
Even a champion tennis not stand! Each shuttlecock - a three-centimeter plastic container with a diameter of 22 millimeters weight 4, 8 grams. It can be filled with weighting or paint.
- Why burden the shuttlecock?
- Its weight is roughly equivalent to the mass of pistol bullets. But the area of the container is five to six times larger, so that the impact of the shuttle can be compared with the impact of his father's belt. If the shuttle is possible to weight up to 30 grams, the impact will be comparable to poking a horse's hoof. The charges will vary depending on the situation.
- And why paint?
- You will be able not only to defuse the hooligans who, for example, throwing stones or bottles, but also "tag" that they were not able to mingle in the crowd of ordinary citizens.
- How accurate gun?
- A special computer program that measures the distance to the destination, and depending on a number of counts of compressed air. Aimed Shot operator can do at a distance of 50 meters. If the bully suddenly run up close, the program will reduce the air pressure, power will fall. But it will be enough to knock a person down.
- And you can kill?
- A year ago, we were asked to demonstrate at the site, how our machine gun. As a target, as in the movie "DMB", released boar. The animal was shot down a few bursts of accurate and died from injuries in the name of public safety. This helped made adjustments to the program to adjust the distance and power of the shot. Development of the prototype has cost more than 5 million rubles.
Authors weapons say "Volanomet" reminds the management computer shooter. The operator sits in the passenger seat next to the driver. Before him a monitor and a joystick. But this is not a game: for every shot will have to answer. Setting records and shooting opponents of action on video. While the "Tiger" from "Volanometom" waiting for the next test on the factory parking lot.
The Interior Ministry has repeatedly said that our police, like their counterparts abroad, is entitled to use against bullies stun, acoustic and gas grenades, pistols and traumatic gas cartridges.
- But is used very rarely - said "KP" a source in the Interior Ministry. - This weapon can lead to death. Abroad from the stun during rallies killed hundreds of people died of suffocation and gas.
- The need for a new non-lethal weapon colossal - said "KP" Head of the Moscow arms PKU NGO "Special equipment and communication" Dmitry Fedotov. - It is important to guarantee incapacitate the offender, without causing him injuries and injuries to others. In addition, we can not, as in the Western countries to use water cannons in the winter. People can die from hypothermia.
"Volanomet" promises to be safer than electric shock or teargas. But the fact that the bullet, although plastic, - a fool, all the protesters do not forget.
The machine gun will fire at a rate of 60 per minute charges!

New weapons recently submitted a federal state institution of scientific and production association "Special equipment and communication" the Russian Interior Ministry. But he saw only a narrow circle of specialists.
- In 2009, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an open competition for the development of the installation, which could shoot thanks to compressed air - told "KP" one of the developers of the new weapon. - The barrel machine gun at a pressure of 300 atmospheres will "spit" flounces 60 min.
Even a champion tennis not stand! Each shuttlecock - a three-centimeter plastic container with a diameter of 22 millimeters weight 4, 8 grams. It can be filled with weighting or paint.
- Why burden the shuttlecock?
- Its weight is roughly equivalent to the mass of pistol bullets. But the area of the container is five to six times larger, so that the impact of the shuttle can be compared with the impact of his father's belt. If the shuttle is possible to weight up to 30 grams, the impact will be comparable to poking a horse's hoof. The charges will vary depending on the situation.
- And why paint?
- You will be able not only to defuse the hooligans who, for example, throwing stones or bottles, but also "tag" that they were not able to mingle in the crowd of ordinary citizens.
- How accurate gun?
- A special computer program that measures the distance to the destination, and depending on a number of counts of compressed air. Aimed Shot operator can do at a distance of 50 meters. If the bully suddenly run up close, the program will reduce the air pressure, power will fall. But it will be enough to knock a person down.

- And you can kill?
- A year ago, we were asked to demonstrate at the site, how our machine gun. As a target, as in the movie "DMB", released boar. The animal was shot down a few bursts of accurate and died from injuries in the name of public safety. This helped made adjustments to the program to adjust the distance and power of the shot. Development of the prototype has cost more than 5 million rubles.
Authors weapons say "Volanomet" reminds the management computer shooter. The operator sits in the passenger seat next to the driver. Before him a monitor and a joystick. But this is not a game: for every shot will have to answer. Setting records and shooting opponents of action on video. While the "Tiger" from "Volanometom" waiting for the next test on the factory parking lot.
The Interior Ministry has repeatedly said that our police, like their counterparts abroad, is entitled to use against bullies stun, acoustic and gas grenades, pistols and traumatic gas cartridges.
- But is used very rarely - said "KP" a source in the Interior Ministry. - This weapon can lead to death. Abroad from the stun during rallies killed hundreds of people died of suffocation and gas.
- The need for a new non-lethal weapon colossal - said "KP" Head of the Moscow arms PKU NGO "Special equipment and communication" Dmitry Fedotov. - It is important to guarantee incapacitate the offender, without causing him injuries and injuries to others. In addition, we can not, as in the Western countries to use water cannons in the winter. People can die from hypothermia.
"Volanomet" promises to be safer than electric shock or teargas. But the fact that the bullet, although plastic, - a fool, all the protesters do not forget.