Presidential car - it is something like a tank

US President Barack Obama has asked to be transplanted to a limousine with a hybrid engine. However, as recently told Obama, the request was rejected for security reasons. "Security guards refused, - said the head of state. - This is not because among my guards some bastards. And just because the presidential car - it is something like a tank. " As explained by Obama, his limousine, nicknamed "the beast", strengthened with all sorts of protective systems, because of what his weight is twice the norm. "The hybrid engine simply does not carry off such a machine," - said the president. What's under the hood of Cadillac One is not known. According to rumors, instead of a conventional motor there is an 8-liter turbodiesel V8, featuring brutal "appetite". Thus, at 100 kilometers it consumes approximately 30 liters. But the staff of the presidential administration, whose safety is not so much worried about the security service, change on hybrids. Last week, the administration announced that they are going to buy more than 5,000 cars and trucks with hybrid power plants.