Scandinavian dream boat

world leader in multimedia systems class «high-end» Bang & Olufsen has teamed up with Danish Yachts, to create heaped superyachts for a rich music lover. B & O has equipped its 121-foot equipment AeroCruiser 38 II, nicknamed «Shooting Star» («Shooting Star"). Scandinavians are experts in luxury, it is not surprising that as a result of cooperation between the Danish brand has turned out very successful product. In Cannes, Shooting Star won two awards World Yacht Trophy. By the look of boats AeroCruiser 38 series II had a hand in the famous Norwegian constructor Espen Oeyno. The first boat of this project, called Moon Goddess, was built for the Mexican billionaire Carlos Peralta. The second edition was even more beautiful than the first. "Meteor", justifying its name, can accelerate up to 47 knots (87 km / h), making it one of the fastest ships in its class. By the power and Scandinavian style added Bang & Olufsen advanced audio and video that will delight the most discerning connoisseurs. Price Shooting Star is approximately $ 26 million.