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Full strange and pretty meaningless

For several years I waning interest in watching how people transform Russian language in its poor excuse. Trends persist: still, for example, the word "cardinally" is used instead of "cardinal". A recent topic koordinalno received a welcome development: there was warmly met by the public "gray koordinal." "Impartial" commonly used to mean "bad." All the same problems cause "despite" and "spite": people refuse to understand, when it is written together, and when apart. Same story with the "mean" and "because of." Wishes to say that they are impressed by something, coupled with something still insist that they are "in the compartment"; the whole country is going somewhere. "In short," experienced a period of "at kradtse" and "vkratse" degenerated into a brilliant monster "in Kratz '(the first time since it faced naively searched" Kratz "in the dictionary). Speech, of course, have always suffered. A lot falls on someone's unhappy face: problems in education - on the face, the fact of adultery - in the face, bad manners - in the face of the crisis the authorities - on the face, bad roads - on the face, the arbitrariness of the authorities - on the face, and it will continue until the people learn the adverb "there" (what people do is clearly not going). People unknown to me persistently plagued by disabled women, acting "in the blind" and play with grenades, when they write "be on guard" instead of "be alert", but never before so they do not excelled. Without special training, and not guess that "not Domecq" - a "never occurred", and not in some kind of house.
Sweeping the planet word monster "in general". Suffer armpits: trying to make a choice between the "armpit" and the "armpit" of the plant people to a standstill because the Russian language is tough, and it is the right way, the commercials. Lives and thriving business of Chekhov's character; unwitting followers of the immortal "approaching sion station and looking at nature through the window I flew hat" delight the most intricate variations. Let me give a couple of examples of the disturbing woman's life, "becoming a lawful wife husband simply became disregard treat me", "Lying in a chair at the gynecologist, the doctor may say, there is a pregnancy or not».
Among the new trends I can not mention the sudden doubling of mass "n". On our table were pork ribs, chicken breasts, and even a rat tail eagle eye, joined the traditional treats - ice cream and pies. Once a year merry carnival blinoedy collective violence, calling it Carnival, Shrovetide, maslinnitsey, maslyanitsey and so on.
Sometimes authors are ahead of their time. The network is a woman writer of tremendous white poems, I am convinced that it is necessary to write "kara" (though Kara scream, as she puts it), and "Help!" - This is only one that Lenin watches. Timid attempts to convince individuals it did not succeed, and she still cries Kara.
Out of context sometimes very difficult to understand what the writer interprets. "They poked him" - is not shy svalny description of sin, and the sad fact is that parents indulged child. "Poke" instead of "indulging" rapidly seizing new territory. "Zadrapezdy" - do not think bad, I mean shabby. "About itbu" - I thought bad, but it turned out that it was about food. "In the Capital" - is not "in the capital city of Kiev", and "the rest". "Smer" - resigned. "Devotional" - dowry. "Terracotta" - not a cat or a terrorist attack, and terracotta. "Priizhal" - was coming. "Ikronizatsiya" - the screen. "Rozalik Semburg" - Rosa Luxemburg. "Geki Berifin" - Huckleberry Finn. "It is not a solo swallowed" - empty-handed. "I Fell VNIC" - fell down. "In schёchina" - slap in the face. "With posibo" - thank you. "Receiver" - the successor. "Vokurat" - in exactly. "Because scherёnny" - a sophisticated. "Not at vyaschego" - unobtrusively. "Kick yourself" - blame yourself. "Castaneda" - castanets. "Tie up" - earnestly contend. "Dead in the park" - dead poultices. "Davilos" - happened. "Goat Naki" - kozinaki. "From nyut" - far from it. "In the boom" - random. "In the willow" - in reality. "Naovos" - at random. "Gimogogiya" - demagoguery. "At no food with them" - alone. "With shit" (alas, it's not a joke) - with Rana. "It is the husband" - to do the same. "Otzhika" - adjika. "Until Municipality" - at least. "Daughter Rottweiler" - the daughter of a Rockefeller.
Recklessly coming into the network, the neophyte will be washed away by a wave of new words and expressions: open a discussion, diskursirovat, feed mentaёm, texts nechitaymy, winnings, proygrysh, mosheynik, androyd, empanirovat, uhozhor, motodor, Onan, osimetriya, nuance, blowjob, Fier, medalyon, Literacy and negrammotnost, Dimensions search, borokkoko, uedientsiya, vezulizatsiya, niglyazhe, dezabele, muviton, prominat, ponibratstvo, Edil, efariya, irakes, podsigar, perlamudr, leybmotiv, gibsokorton, shtukotur-molar, persona non Grande norkoman, frequenter, bezzagovorchny authority predrassuditelnogo act podnagodnaya, fly drozoofila, wormhole, litorgiya, kostratsiya, iichki, underside of the nose, in time, is better fed, are trying, in a little bit, by not mnozhko at Ruskin brains of tehonku, for at sledok, chutli cried with clever, of scum, no cranking, no probation, no mozgly no sinner without a skilled, no fine, no gotivny for ministry for mentally for Gvozdkov sign without limbs seeminutnaya benefits, twist on the outwards, with a kavyrkoy, down shibatelno, in a trouble in the fetus until, in the inside, to the front, in apreore in otchaine in no competition, peremeshku to with Jelen, kakraztaki, vprintsepi, chur through Shur, metamfarichiski, went to the bank personally, Erez, prediduschemu, zanozchivy, neizglodimy, navryatli not arcs, for he could not, on empty stomach, at izust, naiborot, or who do not oddam, oddelno not giving birth, in truth, nor rock, Bole no menie, Bole Nieman, a limienie, dark menie, thank you for even earlier, in any century, koetom century of the Pocono centuries, hedgehog Fluorescent, with new and new, from right to left, from nowhere from tudazhe, not distant, vskidku of rare from sufficed in total, about analyzed, lit in the church Easter cakes, cap with bubonic salafanovy package pomazzonichestvo God English chёpernost, kashirnaya food, medical pole iznemozhdёnny, simpotichny , lokanichny, schepyatilny, veslouhy cat, hyena fiery creature drozhayschaya, nervapatolog, pediator, psychiatrist, not lyudivy, lizhby, lizhby on abum, nearby places, locations, is not it possible to stay neudel on oschyub, vsplotitsya not dolyublivat, not vzljubili, trapezdnichat, the structure of the cabinet, neodekvat, in various guises, taylerantnost, virgin pleura, Anna Korenina, Elf and Petrov, Elfovaya tower, Alain de Lone, Shvedtsiya, Kinetsberg ...

Illiteracy, however, long been out on a large and wide road, and if anyone thinks that he is with her is encountered as avoiding Internet - welcome to the feast, which "is supported by" (soft sign after a few hours eliminated, "With the support" and remains):

If you are a serious person and do not like the holidays, especially those that "with the support", invites you to a completely different level of event. All these important people, according to the request ("read"), know how to read, but they are completely satisfied that the Stolypin they move towards some kind of "modern»:

Because indicate error was improper, they perpetuate the significant strengthening of tolerance; it specifically allocates money philanthropist Alisher Usmanov, and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation literally sacrifices himself:

In general, the house is better to keep a low profile. The more that people who go out of the house, according to their written stories about their lives, there is terrible: they eat and grow gray, eat and grow gray, eat and grow gray. They are the saddles to the restaurant, the saddles to the coffee shop, on a shop keeper turned gray, then turned gray with friends keeper turned gray, seats and thought, were excellent posedelki, but not too long we keeper turned gray? Let's eat somewhere else! Go to Egypt, go to Turkey, I'll go to the cottage, go home, eat aimlessly! You will go to the ball? You go there, then you'll eat here then? Yes, yes, yes, we all eat, but not this year! Let's go to the next! But there are also tragedies. In hindsight, I add the quotation sent by the readers (sorry, Lord, for cynicism): "I once wrote a girl sms. I never forget it. It was two pages. The first looked like this: I'm sorry, I'll write later, my dad died, Now eat it ... And the other ... pick up from the morgue. " Lucky that the ending was not lost.

And that's what people are looking for on the Internet:

Roman numerals are not left unattended, they also fasten their tails: for example, King Charles V - it is not just a V, it is V-th, and then suddenly someone will think that «V for Vendetta." Carl Vendetta. Hvostomanov regularly brings a dozen, but with the tenacity with which they would be better not to do anything in this life, stepping on the same rake, spreading the "X minutes" and "X-th»:

Union literate in the world known as the Union of Journalists, sat at this business all day; Then one of them looked up, got a grasp, thought, said: "But really, X-th Congress of some." And the main event poster shyly stuck square, covering shame:

If we talk about punctuation, there are two trends: 1) every second word is introductory, 2) any pronoun or a proper name - assume treatment. That is, people write as follows. You came to this unnecessary. I kissed you. Do not let me, God, go crazy! And nothing has changed. I, in fact, right! And where are you going? I am now tired. You are observant, Natalia! Look at you, what! Kohl, again drunk. So what? I, today, really, either. Such, then, the case.

Once children learn to read signs, posters, newspaper headlines; "Glory to the CPSU!" And all derivatives are the phenomenon more secure than the current creative. It happens that everything seems to be written correctly, but any bagatelle spoils the whole thing like to drive Elena Vaenga "Salome": the tail of the letter C gave a bank that began to read the letter P, and fans of the singer were forced to join the " Sralomee. " However, it is next to the little things "Rosiey." I had gathered a small collection (there are "and features and bugs," but the impression they produce the same) should convince you that today is better than wander the world without opening his eyes.


And that, comrades, we want? The schools issue here are attetstaty:


Source: www.snob.ru