Spain became the first country in the world where wind energy has worked more effectively than other sectors of energy production
According to the report of Spain's national energy operator Red Eléctrica de España in the past 2013 in the country the proportion of electrical energy generated by wind power, for the first time exceeded the share obtained due to the burning of coal and other individual industries, such as nuclear power and (or) hydro power plants.
In numbers, the advantage of wind power does not look very impressive, but nevertheless the fact is fixed. Below is the statistics on the specific contribution of the energy sector in Spain:
- Wind power stations - 20.9%
- Nuclear power plants - 20.8%
- Thermal power plants (coal-fired) - 14.6%
- Hydroelectric power stations - 14.4% < /
- Combined-cycle power plants - 9.6%
- Solar energy - 3.1%
Somewhat less formal representation of these percentages gives the following estimate: wind power electricity production last year was 54,478 GWh, enough for 15.5 million households in the country, which in turn is about 90% of the total in Spain. Interestingly, although nuclear power and power generated at 2,337 GWh more than the wind, but because they are serious its customers, as a result of their specific contribution was smaller, even a tenth of a percent.
Interesting, too, and the price issue, which almost literally depends on "where the wind blows." For example, February 6 last year - the day on which was the peak of wind electricity generation - MWh cost amounted to 7.69 euros, while the December 8, when probably it was "no wind", the figure is already quite a different order of 93.11 euros.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/209488/