Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X and Theory Y - Douglas McGregor's theory of human motivation and behavior management.
Theory X
In this theory, the management assumes that workers are lazy and will initially be avoided if possible work. Because of this, workers should be closely monitored, which is developing an integrated control system. Requires a hierarchical structure with a reduced rate of control at every level. According to this theory, the workers show little ambition without an attractive incentive program and avoid liability if it is possible.
Manager Theory X, is generally believed that all must end placing responsibility on someone else. He believes that all prospective employees seeking benefits for themselves. Typically, these leaders believe that the sole purpose of interest in the work of employees - it's money. In most cases, they are accused of first person, there is no question about that, maybe, it is necessary to blame the system, strategy or lack of training.
Moreover, the leaders of Theory X can not trust any staff member, and it is constantly displayed by all means support staff. Theory X manager can be called an obstacle productivity and morale of employees.
Many executives (in 60 years), as a rule, supports the theory X is its aspect, that they are quite pessimistic about their employees. Theory X manager believes that its employees do not want to really work, they are more likely to avoid duties and that the manager's job is to structure the activity and motivation of employees. The result of this thinking was that the leaders of Theory X naturally take a more authoritarian style, based on the threat of punishment.
One of the major drawbacks of this management style is that it is much more likely to cause diseconomies of scale in large enterprises. Theory Y allows you to expand the business while increasing profits as the factory workers have their own responsibilities.
Theory Y
The Board suggests that workers may be ambitious, have internal incentives seek to take on more responsibility and exercise self-control and self-management. It is believed that employees enjoy their duties associated with both mental and physical labor. It is also believed that workers are tempted to be creative and progressive thinking in production, if possible. There is a chance to improve the performance, giving employees the freedom to work as far as possible, without getting bogged down in the rules.
Theory X and Theory Y McGregor - Mnemonic
Theory Y manager believes that under favorable conditions, most people want to work well and that the labor force have a reserve of unused creativity. They believe that the satisfaction of a good performance of the work in itself is a powerful incentive. Theory Y manager will try to remove obstacles that prevent employees fully realize themselves.
Many people understand the theory of Y as a positive set of assumptions about the workers. A careful reading of "The Human Side of Enterprise" shows that McGregor simply argues that managers should be open to a more positive outlook and the opportunities they create.