Мужчине исполнилось 60… Он отрастил крутую бороду и стал моделью!

Пенсия не приговор, да и вообще, после 50 жизнь только начинается! Так считают многие пожилые люди — и в их числе 60-летний француз Филипп Дюмас, хотя назвать его пожилым язык не поворачивается. Этот обаятельный мужчина в самом расцвете сил вот уже год работает… моделью! Как рассказывает сам Филипп, когда-то он учился на юриста, но не занимался юридической практикой, а работал в кино и рекламе. В прошлом году он решил поэкспериментировать со своей внешностью и отрастил густую бороду, которая окружающим по-настоящему понравилась. Тогда мужчина подумал: почему бы ему не попробовать свои силы в модельном бизнесе? Он немного поработал со своим стилем и образом, походил по агентствам и спустя время получил предложение о работе.
Сайт предлагает взглянуть на фотографии обаятельного «дедули». Не правда ли, умопомрачительно хорош?
Shoot by Philippe Gueguen. Soldiers falling from a beard. www.philippegueguen.fr #philippedumas #Shoot #silverfox. #fashion #lovelybeards #beardsaresexy #youbeard #Beardsandtattoo #beardandcompany #Beardlov3 #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #beardlover #labbarba #themodcabin #beardsandtattoosofficial #Thebeardechap #thebeardlove #lovelybeards #beardfraternity #craftedbeard #SpartanBeards #beardelifeco #beardbaseuk #SomeLikeItDutch #Top_Beards #beardedvillains #beard4all #hellobeard #thebeardedpantiedroppers #BFSO
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Mar 7, 2016 at 3:05am PST
Photo @PhilippeGUEGUEN @urbantalentsmodels #BeardedVillains #@barbados_peludos_parrudos #beardsaresexy #youbeard #leprincebarbu#Beardandtattoo #beardporn #beardedandproud #beardonstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #menwithbeards #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #beardnation #lifegame #themodcabin
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Jul 18, 2015 at 11:29am PDT
#philippedumas @modelesdunjour_paris #mdjpxnoel Lewis photographer. @ejlewis. www.emma-janephoto.co.uk. #Shoot #beardsaresexy #youbeard #leprincebarbu #Beardandtattoo #beardandcompany #beardporn #beardedandproud #beardonstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #beardnation #themodcabin #picoftheday #lovelybeards #bearswithbeards #thedandylionapothecary #awesome_beards #beard_monsters #craftedbeard #fashion #SpartanBeards #menwithstreetstyle #gentlemanstyle #beardandcompany #beardedlifeco
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Sep 10, 2015 at 5:12am PDT
#casting #afdas #beardsaresexy #Beardandtattoo #beardedandproud #@barbados_peludos_parrudos #@leprincebarbu #BeardedVillains #BeardedVillains #@barbados_peludos_parrudos #beardsaresexy #youbeard #leprincenarbu#Beardandtattoo #beardporn #beardedandproud #beardstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #menwithbeards #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #beardnation #lifegame #BeardedVillain #themodcabin #photo@MikaCotellon #crazytattoos #beardsandtattoosofficial #@robleslavezzi2 #top_beards #thebeardedpantiedroppers
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on May 19, 2015 at 9:37am PDT
Shoot #Lartisan_createur. Photographe #justinecardinael #philippedumas #youbeard #Beardandtattoo #beardandcompany #beardedandproud #beardonstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #labbarba #themodcabin #beardsandtattoosofficial #picoftheday #lovelybeards #beardfraternity #thedandylionapothecary #awesome_beards #beard_monsters #craftedbeard #fashion #SpartanBeards #beardsandtats #beardelifeco #top_beards #beardmodel #thebeardedpantiedroppers
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Sep 2, 2015 at 11:07pm PDT
#beardsaresexy #Beardandtattoo #beardedndproud #beardedformypleasure #farniente #agadir #beard #mensblogger #BeardedVillains #barbados_peludos_parrudos #beardsaresexy #youbeard #leprincebarbu#Beardandtattoo #beardporn #beardedandproud #beardstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #menwithbeards #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #beardnation #lifegame #BeardedVillain #themodcabin
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on May 13, 2015 at 2:48pm PDT
#Beardandtattoo #tournagetoutschuss #beardedandproud #fashion #mensblogger #@leprincebarbu#beardsaresexy #Beard #Beardandtattoo #beardedandproud #lovemybeard #beardsofinstagram #instabeard #beardenvy #dumphil@orange.fr #BeardedVillains #@barbados_peludos_parrudos #youbeard #beardporn #beardedandproud #beardstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #beardnation #lifegame #themodcabin #l'artisancreateur #pogonotomie #l'artdubarbier #menswear
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on May 19, 2015 at 10:58pm PDT
Shoot «Yoos». Elvis Presley style. Work in progress. #Beardlov3 #flowerinthebeard #lovelybeards #beardsaresexy #youbeard #modelmale #style #beardporn #beardonstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #fashion #labbarba #beardsandtattoosofficial #Thebeardechap #thebeardlove #lovelybeards #bearswithbeards #awesome_beards #beard_monsters #craftedbeard #SpartanBeards #beardsandtats #beardelifeco #beardbaseuk #SomeLikeItDutch #Top_Beards #beardedvillains #beard4all #beardfraternity #thebeardedpantiedroppers
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Feb 25, 2016 at 8:53am PST
Shoot L'artisan créateur by Justine Cardinael photographer. #philippedumas #lovelybeards #beardsaresexy #youbeard #Beardandtattoo #beardandcompany #beardporn #beardonstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #labbarba #themodcabin #beardsandtattoosofficial #thebeardlove #lovelybeards #bearswithbeards #awesome_beards #beard_monsters #craftedbeard #SpartanBeards #beardsandtats #beardelifeco #beardbaseuk #beardedbadass #thebeardfraternity #barrabasbeards #topbeards #thebeardedchap
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Dec 1, 2015 at 2:45am PST
Shoot for electrical tricycle EVASION. Back stage. Save the planet. www.facebook.com/allotricycle. So fun to drive. @mastersmodels #philippedumas #ecology #youbeard #Beardsandtattoo #beardandcompany #Beardlov3 #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #beardlover #labbarba #themodcabin #beardsandtattoosofficial #Thebeardechap #thebeardlove #lovelybeards #beardfraternity #beard_monsters #craftedbeard #SpartanBeards #beardelifeco #beardbaseuk #SomeLikeItDutch #Top_Beards #beardedvillains #beard4all #hellobeard #thebeardedpantiedroppers #thebeardedmancompany
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on May 18, 2016 at 2:03am PDT
Shoot by Jeffrey Sales. www.jeffreygalvezosales.com/ pour Marie Exelle. #lovelybeards #beardsaresexy #youbeard #Beardandtattoo #beardandcompany #beardporn #beardedandproud #beardonstagram #menwithbeards #beardedlifestyle #beardedlife #beardcrew #beardlover #labbarba #themodcabin #beardsandtattoosofficial #Thebeardechap #thebeardlove #lovelybeards #bearswithbeards #thedandylionapothecary #awesome_beards #beard_monsters #craftedbeard #fashion #SpartanBeards #beardsandtats #beardelifeco #beardbaseuk #beardfanatics #beardmodel
A photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris. France (@dumphil) on Nov 6, 2015 at 5:23am PST
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/kak-60-letnij-muzhchina-stal-modelyu-otrastiv-krutuyu-borodu-1286715/
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