Memory - this is not a muscle, but you can train and its

Memory - this is not a muscle, but you can train her. To do this, you need to change the way the organization of information in your head.
Why do not you remember what they ate for breakfast yesterday, but perfectly remember from school the words of your favorite song? Why do we do something all the time and forget how to get rid of it? 1. Phones Why you forget: phone numbers - adherents of short-term memory, and held his head in a minute or so. During this time, you certainly have time to burn the memory of the mobile phone. But if it is not at hand, as you remember the number? Memorize: Medium: Think for each digit of the image, linking it with the form: 0 - circle 1 - pen 2 - goose, 4 - sail, and so on. D. Now each phone you will be able to relate the story: 204 - Goose draws a circle sail. 2. The dates and anniversaries Why you forget: Dates are often difficult to remember because they are too abstract, and you do not bind them to anything. Remedy: Tie birthday to some external characteristics of a person. For example, a man with a big nose born on December 21. Mentally imagine goose (2), the handle (1) Christmas tree (December) and hang it on the nose. 3. Names Why you forget: The very familiarity of human with new people already stressful situation for the memory and so a lot of things you need to remember, except the name. Remedy: By the method of Roosevelt: Imagine that a person's name in large letters written on his forehead. Psychologists also recommend imperceptibly in a pocket or on a finger to bring back the name, register it in the air: fine motor skills of fingers directly connected with thinking and memory. 4. Why do you forget Keys: Small everyday details to remember is simply impossible and not necessary. Because of such cases to identify the brain uses generalizations scheme. For example, instead of having to remember each of you eaten the apple, the brain uses a "round-juicy-green." So in the example with the following keys instead of recording all the scattered their locations, the brain produces a scheme of "keys-dresser." Remedy: Take them to a place. Hammer a nail and hang hook - simple matter. Let it is right at the door. And accustom themselves to the rule: do not take off your shoes, or not to put the bag until you dwelt in place the keys. Let them be home. 5. Why do you forget passwords, "My favorite book? The name of my dog? My postal code? "That the password has consistently emerge from the head, naturally: after all, when you create them, your brain busy that the main task of which you are engaged. Remedy: Work with associations. If Yahoo! reminds you cry of Tarzan, take the password "Tarzan" or "jungle." The mechanism works as soon as you see the word Yahoo! 6. Why do you forget Codes: When you get the code, your brain is administered in the state of stress expressive inscription: "Remember!", "Do not write," "will be locked." This prevents memory to remember it. Medium: It's easy - record. Keep digits in the wallet. Do not be afraid that the wallet is stolen together with the card and the code. Encrypt it. For example, the word "mess", dial the telephone keypad, uses the numbers 4-2-8-2. So write code - typing a word, just remember.
Source: mirfactov.com/