A new application of butts

Chinese scientists have found a new use for cigarette butts. According to them, the extract of this waste can be used as a protective agent against corrosion of steel pipes. The study involved cigarette butts staff of the University Xi'an Jiaotong, as well as the sponsor of this study addressed the state oil company China National Petroleum. In the water, which soaked cigarette butts, scientists have identified ten chemicals. Having received the "extract" of such waste, experts have greased their steel N80, which today has been widely used in the manufacture of oil trub.

Scientists were able to determine that the mixture perfectly protects the metal surface, preventing further oxidation of iron. Nicotine and a number of chemical "extract" have strong protivkorroziynymi properties. Note that the oil producers now have to spend huge sums on repairs and replacement of overpasses. Using as a protection for pipes "bulls" can not only save money on materials, but also to protect the environment from pollution. After all, as you know, about four and a half trillion cigarette butts, discarded smokers each year, when put into water emit poisonous toxins that kill fish. Because butts yet found practical application, residues from cigarettes will be processed.
Source: scienceblog.ru/2010/05/17/kitajjcy-nashli-novoe-primenenie-sigaretnym-okurkam/