Black diggers

huge number of gold mining companies change the natural landscape of Mongolia. Number of extinct rivers and lakes increases, the terrain becomes like a desert - and it's all because of gold mining. In addition to the officially registered enterprises (from Russia, Japan, China and others. (Total 23 countries) - gold miners, there are so-called "black diggers", which are a major problem in Mongolia. 60,628,996
In connection with the economic situation in the world, the locals - the Mongols, pushed out of the "black" business even guest workers from China and began to engage themselves to this "underground" activities. Traditional Mongolian shater

Currently in Mongolia there are more than 100 thousand people are engaged in illegal gold mining. In the photo: an old Russian-made minivan on someone dvore.

The bulk of the "black diggers" - are residents of villages, villages - the former herders, searchers a better life. They have long abandoned their traditional occupation, sold all his cattle, and became engaged in illegal gold mining.

Here they dig pits to the south-west of Ulan-Batora.

Main place of gold mining "black diggers" - a place where previously granted gold mining company conducted their development. "Black diggers" digging in for a long time in the field of closed dumps of former industrial development, and wash gold, old-fashioned, manually.

Very often, these diggers and their families live in close proximity to the archaeological sites, and their children do not attend schools.

The disappearance of hundreds of lakes and rivers linked to gold mining in the headwaters of rivers. Errors a Chinese firm that properly designed hydroelectric power station in 2007, Mongolia is very expensive. This dam completely blocked the river, resulting in hundreds of kilometers below the dam of the river dried up. This resulted in the disappearance of 950 small rivers.

Standard workplace "black diggers» .

Terrible living conditions of families "black diggers" proximity to kopalnyam who developed industrial enterprises lay a mark on the lives of young born in such circumstances, children - there were cases of children born with various pathologies. This is attributed to the fact that the manufacturers are used to produce gold toxic substances - mercury, potassium cyanide, etc., And male diggers scavenge for poison these areas.

But in addition, they risk waiting every minute. During talus they too may be lost.

For his work "black diggers" are constantly behind her green metal cans.

Because of the type referred to as - "Ninja", as they are similar to the heroes of popular cartoon about the Ninja Turtles.

Here zoloto.

The resulting large settlements in the river valleys, are illegal extraction of gold. From the least to the greatest family member crawl along the rivers and streams, digging in the ground and are looking for gold.

In these new settlements created even a variety of entertainment "complexes." Also it has been established Trade and Development serving various services such as repairs, hairdressing and dr.

Mined gold with mud poured into such separatory.

As a whole, production is not the tehnologichnoe.

Work stol.

Determination of the purity of gold on a small factory north of Ulan Batora.

Picking up the crumbs of the official gold miners, "black diggers" mined in Mongolia, according to various estimates, up to 5-6 tons of gold a year.
See also: How China's fake meat. As the Indonesian authorities are struggling with "hares."
Source: www.fresher.ru/2012/04/27/chernye-kopateli-kak-v-mongolii-dobyvayut-zoloto/